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India Goals: How did the caste system develop in India? How did Hinduism emerge?

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Presentation on theme: "India Goals: How did the caste system develop in India? How did Hinduism emerge?"— Presentation transcript:

1 India Goals: How did the caste system develop in India? How did Hinduism emerge?

2 What is being described in the passage?
“When they divided Purusha, in how many different portions did they arrange him? What became of his mouth, what of his two arms? What were his two thighs and his two feet called? His mouth became the Brahman [priests]; his two arms were made into the rajanya (or kshatriya) [warriors]; his two thighs the vaishyas [business people]; from his two feet the shudra [person of the lower working class] was born.”

3 Aryans & The Vedic Age (1500-500 BC)
Aryan Migration – Indo-Europeans

4 Indo-European Migrations
How do we trace their migrations?  Language!!!!


6 Sanskrit writing

7 The Vedas Sacred literature – four collections of prayers, spells, & instructions Rig Veda  hymns to Aryan gods

8 The Caste System Develops
Aryan means “noble” (Sanskrit) Viewed themselves as superior to native “dasas” Existing caste system became more complex

9 Varna (Social Hierarchy) Pariahs [Dalits]  Untouchables
Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaishyas Shudras Pariahs [Dalits]  Untouchables

10 The Caste System WHO IS… Brahmins Kshatriyas The mouth? The arms?
The legs? The feet? Vaishyas What is a JATI? Shudras

11 Cleanliness & purity were essential
“Untouchables” (dalits) – considered impure because of their work i.e. butchers, gravediggers, trash collectors

12 Origins of Hinduism & Buddhism

13 Development of Hinduism
Developed gradually, collection of religious beliefs Religion seen as a way of freeing the soul from illusions, disappointments, mistakes No single founder Dialogues or discussions of the Vedic hymns developed into the Upanishads

14 Beliefs of Hinduism Desire Moksha  Atman  Brahman 
State of perfect understanding Desire Moksha  Atman  Brahman  Individual soul of living being Universal soul – unites all atmans

15 Beliefs of Hinduism Reincarnation  Soul is reborn until moksha is achieved One’s karma, or good & bad deeds, influences caste or circumstances in next life Ahimsa = non-violence

16 Supported the Caste System
Complex & rigid social system… People divided into varnas (groups) 1. Brahmins  priests 2. Kshatriyas  rulers & warriors 3. Vaishyas  peasants & traders 4. Shudras  laborers 5. Pariahs  “Untouchables”


18 Brahman is three major gods in one

19 1. Brahma Creator

20 2. Vishnu  Protector

21 3. Shiva  Destroyer

22 Hinduism’s Growth & Influence
Hindus comprise 13.7% (765,351,710) of the world's population residing in 150 countries Strengthened caste system Hinduism changed over time - Different branches - different deities more important - different names for Brahman - Hindus worship devas by performing puja at temples and shrines

23 Overview Questions How does one reach moksha?
What is the difference between Atman and Brahman? What is the relationship between reincarnation, karma, & caste according to Hinduism? How has Hinduism changed? What influence has Hinduism had on society in India?

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