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W ATER C YCLE P ROJECT By: Madilynn Booth P:1 11/12/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "W ATER C YCLE P ROJECT By: Madilynn Booth P:1 11/12/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ATER C YCLE P ROJECT By: Madilynn Booth P:1 11/12/2013

2 W ATER CYCLE Water cycle is the continual movement among earths atmosphere and surface.

3 A CCUMULATION Accumulation is a collection of water on earths surface.

4 E VAPORATION Evaporation is the process by which water molecules in liquid water escape into the air as water vapor.

5 T RANSPIRATION Transpiration is evaporating water from plants.

6 C ONDENSATION The process of by which molecules of water vapor in the air become liquid water.

7 C IRRUS CLOUD Wispy, feathery cloud Called “mares tail” Usually white

8 C UMULUS CLOUD A dense, white, fluffy, flat-based cloud with a multiple rounded top and a well-defined outline, usually formed by the ascent of thermally unstable air masses. A pile, mound, or heap.

9 S TRATUS CLOUD large dark low cloud Usually covers all or most of the sky

10 P RECIPITATION Any form of water that falls from clouds and reaches earths surface.

11 S NOW An average snowflake is made up of 180 billion molecules of water. Around 12% of the Earth’s land surface is covered in permanent snow and ice.

12 H AIL  Hail causes about $1 billion dollars in damage to property and crops each year, according to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

13 F REEZING RAIN Ice from freezing rain increases the weight of branches, causing them to break off.

14 R AIN  The umbrella was originally invented to protect people from the hot sun. people  Rain drops can fall at speeds of about 22 miles an hour. To take this into perspective, a snowflake falls at about 2-4 mph can take about 1 hour to finally reach the ground.  Rain starts off as ice or snow crystals at cloud level. A droplet of water will stay in Earth’s atmosphere for around 10 days.

15 S LEET  It is precipitation that froze or refroze before hitting the ground. 2. It indicates that there is at least a layer in the atmosphere that is above freezing in temperature. 3. Unlike hail, sleet are mostly small in size.

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