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Tropical Rain Forest Al Johara Al Kubaisi

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1 Tropical Rain Forest Al Johara Al Kubaisi

2 Location and Climate Tropical rainforests are all around the equator. The tropical rainforests climate is very warm it has an average annual temperature or day length, which is very favorable for plant growth. The tropical rainforest’s temperature range is from 20-25 degrees Celsius and they have more than 250 centimeters of annual rainfall.

3 Human impact Humans play a large role in the destruction of the rainforest. Activities such as farming, logging and mining involve removing the natural vegetation. Humans play a large role in the destruction of the rainforest. Activities such as farming, logging and mining involve removing the natural vegetation. Because there is less vegetation the soil is open to the heavy rain. The roots are also removed in logging and mining which mean the soil becomes loose. As a result heavy rainfall washes the soil away, therefore destroying the rainforest. Because there is less vegetation the soil is open to the heavy rain. The roots are also removed in logging and mining which mean the soil becomes loose. As a result heavy rainfall washes the soil away, therefore destroying the rainforest.

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5 Glass wing butterfly Some have transparent wings so they disappear. They can they hide from predators. Some have transparent wings so they disappear. They can they hide from predators. nforests/insects.htm

6 Beetle Its body is protected by a usually hard layer. This hard shell protects them from predators. Its body is protected by a usually hard layer. This hard shell protects them from predators. nforests/insects.htm

7 Bee Its stings as a defense to protect their selves from animals and humans. Its stings as a defense to protect their selves from animals and humans. nforests/insects.htm

8 Ant Ants adapt by building their nests in trees. So they can protect their selves from predators. Ants adapt by building their nests in trees. So they can protect their selves from predators. nforests/insects.htm

9 Butterfly Has a straw like a proboscis to drink nectar. So they can drink and not stay starving. Has a straw like a proboscis to drink nectar. So they can drink and not stay starving. nforests/insects.htm

10 Mangroves Mangroves adapt with their wide spreading tilt roots that supports the trees in tidal mud and trap nutritious organic matter. Mangroves adapt with their wide spreading tilt roots that supports the trees in tidal mud and trap nutritious organic matter. nts/adapt.htm

11 buttresses Buttress roots provide extra stability especially since roots of the tropical rainforest are not typically as deep as the trees in temperate zones. Buttress roots provide extra stability especially since roots of the tropical rainforest are not typically as deep as the trees in temperate zones. nts/adapt.htm

12 Nepenthes The nectar distracts insects that lose their grip on the slick sides and fall into the liquid. The nectar distracts insects that lose their grip on the slick sides and fall into the liquid. nts/adapt.htm

13 Abiotic Factors Trees in the rainforests grow to a height of 60-100 meters but there are trees that grow 100-150 meters and the are not rare. Trees in the rainforests grow to a height of 60-100 meters but there are trees that grow 100-150 meters and the are not rare. The rainforests are close to the equator so the rainforests receive plenty of sunlight. The rainforests are close to the equator so the rainforests receive plenty of sunlight. These factors affect the animals and plants because while the trees at the upper canopy have short leaves which helps the amount of water lost of the evaporation and transportation is minimal but the other trees with large leaves give the most of the little sunlight they get. These factors affect the animals and plants because while the trees at the upper canopy have short leaves which helps the amount of water lost of the evaporation and transportation is minimal but the other trees with large leaves give the most of the little sunlight they get.

14 How to prevent more destruction The government are helping the countries that need help protecting their natural resources. The government are helping the countries that need help protecting their natural resources. There are some programs that helping the rainforests health. There are some programs that helping the rainforests health.

15 Bibliography www.geography.learnontheint rainforest.html rainforest.html rainforest.html rainforest.html

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