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Instructor Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu Students Huynh Khac Doan Anh Tran Nu Ngoc Van 18 th, December. 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructor Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu Students Huynh Khac Doan Anh Tran Nu Ngoc Van 18 th, December. 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructor Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu Students Huynh Khac Doan Anh Tran Nu Ngoc Van 18 th, December. 2006.

2 Content Vocabulary Reading Speaking

3 Circulate Defence Destroy Eleminate Hydroelectric Run off Species Variety

4 circulate (v) : to move around continuosly inside a system or area. Eg: Fresh air is circulated throughout the building. The condition prevents the blood from circulating freely. circulation (n)

5 defend (v) : to protect somebody/something from attack. defender (n) : a player who must stop the other team from scoring goals. Eg: Cannavaro is an excellent Italian defender. defence (n) : the act of protecting. Eg: We must give respect to soldiers who died in defence of our country. Humor is a more effective defence than violence. defensive (a) == defenceless (a)

6 destroy ( v) : to damage something completely. Eg : The building was completely destroyed by fire. Heat gradually destroys vitamin C. destruction (n) destroyer (n) : the person / thing that destroys something. destructive (adj) : causing severe damage or harm. Eg : Many people know the bomb’s enormously destructive power.

7 eliminate (v) somebody/something from something : to remove or get rid of somebody / something. Eg : Many infectious diseases have been virtually eliminated. Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash. elimination (n)

8 hydroelectric (a) : using the power of water to produce electricity. Eg: Son La is a hydroelectric plant in Vietnam. hydroelectricity (n)

9 run off (v) : to flow out of something. Eg: Trees, grasses, and other plants help keep the water. Without them, water would run off. run – off (n)

10 species (n). sing=plu : a group of animals or plants that are able to breed with each other. Eg : There are many species of dog.  endangered species : species that become rare/low in number. Bald eagle Buffalo Shark

11 variety (n) : different sorts of the same thing. Eg : My friends and I all like ice-cream. However, Van likes chocolate flavor, Ngoc likes vanilla flavor while I like strawberry flavor. We have a variety of tastes. People study yoga for a variety of reasons. Cable TV offers much more variety than regular TV.

12  Pre - reading. Pre - reading.  While - reading. While - reading.  Post - reading. Post - reading.

13 Have you ever visited a zoo or a forest ? What animals are you interested in ? Why ? Do we need to protect animals and forests ?

14 a. The movement of something around the closed system. b. Concerning or producing electricity by the power of falling water. c. Remove or get rid of completely. d. Liquid which flows off or from (something). Task 1 : Matching one word at the left to one phrase at the right to have a definition. 1. Eliminate 2. Circulation 3. Run-off 4. Hydroelectric Task 2 : True (T) or False (F). ( base on the paragraphs ) 1. Each year about 5,000 species of plants and animals are eliminated. 2. Many kinds of plants could be used to treat various dangerous diseases. 3. Water can be held on land by vegetation. 4. Man is constantly doing harm to the environment. 5. Plants may cause floods and erosion. 6. We can do nothing to save the earth. TTTTFFTTTTFF Task 3 : Choose the most suitable main idea for each paragraph. 1. We can not live without water. 2. Let’s do something to save the earth. 3. Forests give us a lot of valuable things. 4. Vegetation can help conserve water. CABCAB

15 (4 letters) ………… It’s flat, thin and usually green. It’s part of sth growing. It changes its color and falls. (4 letters) ………… It comes and goes, but we can’t really see it. We can feel it on our faces. It moves the leaves and sometimes it’s very strong. (5 letters) …………… It’s a very bad phenomenon of nature. It’s usually damaging. It has heavy rain, strong winds, thunder and lightning. (6 letters) ……………… It’s a large area of land with few trees or plants. There is very little water or rain here. It’s the place where camels are used to carry things. (6 letters) ……………… It’s a very large and round object in space. It moves around a star and has land in it. There are 9 of them in the solar system. (10 letters)………………………… It means the disappearance of sth. It’s a state of being no longer in existence. It’s the death of all the mambers of a species of animals or plants. LEAF WIND FLOOD DESERT PLANET EXTINCTION

16  Pre-speaking Pre-speaking  While- speaking While- speaking

17 Pre-speaking Task 1 : Read the passage in your text book and then answer the questions : FFor what purpose are zoos of the new kind open ? WWhat are their main features ? Task 2 : Agree or disagree ? In the zoo of the new kindanimals may have better food. animals may suffer from dangersous diseases. animals may do hat they want to. animals may develop. animals may feels happier.

18 While speaking Task 1 : discuss ( in group of 3 or 4) the advantages and disadvantages of zoos of the new kind. Use the cues below. The conditions the animals are in The money spent on reconstructions of the animals’ natural environment The animals that people can visit The dangers that keepers may have Task 2 : role play. Imagine that you are one of these endangered species, cry your own voice and tell the others that you don’t want to be extinct. Please save your species !!!!!!


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