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Lighting The Fire Turning Zeal Into A Lifestyle. Introduction Remember the roller coaster we call zeal? We experience highs and lows in our zeal. The.

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Presentation on theme: "Lighting The Fire Turning Zeal Into A Lifestyle. Introduction Remember the roller coaster we call zeal? We experience highs and lows in our zeal. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lighting The Fire Turning Zeal Into A Lifestyle

2 Introduction Remember the roller coaster we call zeal? We experience highs and lows in our zeal. The trick that seems so elusive for some is to keep higher more times than lower. For this study, we are going to use the analogy of building and maintaining a campfire.

3 Building A Campfire Our zeal, just like a campfire has a process to get the final, end result. There are things you are going to need and a place to do it. [hint: do not build a campfire indoors] Here are some things we can do to help our zeal.

4 Prepare A Place First step is to find a location that will be good for a campfire. Usually a place where there is room for others to sit around and enjoy each other’s company. Once you locate a place, you need to clean it up a bit. This would include brushing or sweeping away leaves and other things that might ignite.

5 Prepare A Place God chose the Law of Moses to get the Jews ready for the Christ to come. God always wanted His people to be pure and free from the ungodliness of the nations around them. It works the same way now. We each must get away from the ungodliness around us and clear out all the garbage in our lives.

6 Ignite Your Fire This is assuming that you have prepared your campfire with kindling, sticks and logs. You light your fire anyway you can. You use tools; lighter, match, glass lens, rubbing sticks together, or borrow a light from another campfire. In order for a fire to burn you need three things; oxygen, fuel, source of ignition.

7 Ignite Your Fire Preparing your heart to handle the fire of zeal is a challenge, yet it will happen if you want it to. We find ways to ignite our zeal by using tools and methods. Bible study, worship services, get-togethers, and learning from each other. Three things to ignite zeal. God, character, purity.

8 Fuel Your Fire We usually associate this with the preparation part. We need to arrange our firewood in a certain way to get it to burn properly. This may involve stacking it a particular way so as to allow oxygen to get to various parts of the fire. Once started, we can add fuel to the fire.

9 Fuel Your Fire Zeal needs to be arranged properly in order to work to the best benefit. Yes, our hearts need to be prepared to seek the Lord and commit our ways unto Him. Wet, green, and moldy firewood do not burn well. And so it is with a heart that is still drenched in sin. Once we get started, we add to our faith 2 Peter 1:5-11

10 Protect Your Fire Winds can be harsh and fire danger is all around us You must shield it from the wind so that the fire is not blown out. You may have to protect it from rain or snow. You also have a responsibility to keep it from blowing out of the pit to other things and possibly starting a wildfire.

11 Protect Your Fire We have to be aware of the dangers that are out there lurking for our soul. Satan prowls about (1 Peter 5:8) Satan uses many devices (Ephesians 6:11) We can resist on our own, But it is much better when you employ teamwork.

12 Use Your Fire Now that it is going it provides some things. Heat when it is cold Cooking our food to enjoy and eat. Making smores, or burning marshmallows, or hot dogs, or warming up a pot of coffee. Provides light to see around us. Fire protects us from predators because they are afraid of fire.

13 Using Your Fire Our zeal keeps us going when things around us cool down. Our zeal can motivate us and give us the spiritual nourishment we need. Making the most use of our zeal is what God wants. Our zeal can be a light for others to find their way, find the path of truth, or find fellowship. Our zeal can protect us from Satan, and error.

14 Sharing Your Fire This is a good time to get together and sit around the fire. No phones, TV’s, ipads, ipods, distractions. Invite strangers over to share the heat of your campfire, and get to know them and make new friends.

15 Share Your Fire Our zeal should carry us to share the gospel message. That will only happen when we meet people And share Christ with them. We need to find ways to not allow distractions. Showing hospitality is another way to do this.

16 Tend Your Fire We have to maintain what we have or we will lose it. Keep adding fuel to keep it burning. Everyone falls asleep and the fire goes out.

17 Tend Your Fire We must maintain our zeal or we can lose it. We must continue to study and learn God’s book. We must continue to share the gospel message of hope to those around us. As soon as we relax, our zeal goes out like a campfire.

18 Conclusion Comparing our zeal to a campfire is helpful. These formulas are basic science and common sense. As long as we are seeking to please God, our zeal is active and useful for its purpose. Once we fall into a rut, or stop learning, our zeal goes out. Has your zeal gone out? Perhaps we can help you get it back, but you must want it back.

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