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Measurement of Income Inequality and Redistribution Ivica Urban Institut za javne financije Croatian Quants Day, Zagreb, 9 April 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement of Income Inequality and Redistribution Ivica Urban Institut za javne financije Croatian Quants Day, Zagreb, 9 April 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement of Income Inequality and Redistribution Ivica Urban Institut za javne financije Croatian Quants Day, Zagreb, 9 April 2010

2 The distribution of income “Capitalism has solved the problem of production, but failed to solve the problem of distribution.” Economics: not an easy science – many diverging views on how to organize society Egalitarians, interventionsts, socialists, libertarians...

3 Libertarians “There is no problem of ‘distribution’ at all.” “On the free market, everybody earns income in accordance with services provided to consumers.” Example: Ice-cream producer

4 Egalitarians “There is too much of inequality around, as a result of market process.” “It is an unfair situation and the government must be called to redistribute income.” Redistribution: taking from ones and giving to others If the “ones” are higher-income, and the “others” are lower-income people → reduction of income inequality

5 Socialism Abolishment of private property Central planning of production and income distribution No economic and political freedoms But still, we can hear: “It was a just society, everybody had a job, noone was left behind...”

6 Today, we’re all egalitarians! Modern democracies: huge “social security” systems A massive income redistribution apparatus: taxes, benefits and regulation How to estimate the impact of government?

7 Lorenz curves Income units Cumulative shares of units p Incomes X Cumulative shares of income L X (p) 0.00.0000 #1#10.1500.0097 #2#20.2800.0253 #3#30.31000.0448 #4#40.42000.0838 #5#50.52500.1326 #6#60.63000.1910 #7#70.73500.2593 #8#80.88000.4152 #9#90.910000.6101 #101.020001.0000

8 Gini coefficient = double the area between the Lorenz curve and the line of absolute equality

9 Income redistribution X = income before fiscal action T p = amount of pth tax B q = amount of qth benefit N = income after taxes and benefits N = X - Σ T p + Σ B q

10 Income redistribution Pre-fiscal income XLX(p)LX(p) Taxes T Benefits B Post-fiscal income N LN(p) LN(p) 00 500.0111120500.03 800.0317120600.07 1000.0421120800.10 2000.08431201000.16 2500.13541201100.22 3000.19641201500.28 3500.26751202000.36 8000.421721203000.50 10000.612141204000.68 20001.004291208001.00

11 Income redistribution Pre-fiscal income X Taxes T Benefits B Post-fiscal income N Net fiscal gain B-T (B-T) / X 5011120501092.19 8017120601031.29 1002112080990.99 20043120100770.39 25054120110660.27 30064120150560.19 35075120200450.13 800172120300-52-0.06 1000214120400-94-0.09 2000429120800-309-0.15

12 Horizontal equality / inequality

13 the principle of horizontal equality: “equals” should have equal treatment people with equal incomes should obtain equal net fiscal benefits

14 Horizontal equality / inequality


16 NKDE-2D Normal Kernel Density Estimation in 2 dimensions: h n = optimal bandwidth S = sample covariance w i = sample weights N = n x w i, n = number of observations

17 Conditional density Normal KDE in 2 dimensions, to obtain estimates of f(x,y), from which f(y|x) are calculated using:

18 18 Measurement model Utility of income function U(y) with inequality aversion parameter ε: Equally distributed equivalent income (income that, if obtained by every individual, would deliver the same welfare as actual income):

19 Measurement model

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