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Enlighten: Encouraging deposit at the University of Glasgow Professor Steve Beaumont Vice-Principal, Research and Enterprise.

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Presentation on theme: "Enlighten: Encouraging deposit at the University of Glasgow Professor Steve Beaumont Vice-Principal, Research and Enterprise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enlighten: Encouraging deposit at the University of Glasgow Professor Steve Beaumont Vice-Principal, Research and Enterprise

2 Glasgow University Founded 1451 Large research-led University in Scotland 15,000 Undergrad students 4000 Postgrads 3000+ academic and research staff Glasgow University Institutional repository – ‘Enlighten’

3 Open Access in Scotland Scottish Declaration on Open Access launched October 2004 – all Scottish Universities are signatories Actions on institutions include: –Set up institutional repositories, and/or liaise with other organisations to establish a joint repository. –Encourage, and where practical mandate, researchers to deposit copies of their outputs (articles, reports, conference papers, etc) in an institutional or co-operative repository.

4 Drivers for Open Access in the University Funding body policies on Open Access –Wellcome Trust –RCUK Public presentation of the University’s research profile Increased impact for research made openly available

5 Example: Google

6 Example: Wikipedia

7 Example: Web Citation Index

8 About Enlighten Launched in April 2006 Developed from the JISC funded DAEDALUS Project Range of software including ePrints and DSpace Linked from the University Home Page

9 Uni Home Page with Enlighten

10 Enlighten Home Page

11 Some statistics for Enlighten From February 2004 275,000+ PDF downloads 790+ full text papers C.20,000 PDF downloads per month Over 60,000+ accesses per month

12 Pictland Paper and # 8900 downloads: Forsyth, K. Language in Pictland : the case against 'non-Indo-European Pictish'., De Keltiche Draak (1997)

13 From Project to Service From DAEDALUS to Enlighten Senior Management Support University Statement Appointment of New Staff

14 To Mandate or not to Mandate Mandates in place at Southampton and the University of Queensland. No mandate at Glasgow Our statement “Strongly encourages”

15 University Statement “Glasgow University, as a signatory of the Scottish Open Access Declaration, strongly encourages authors at Glasgow University to deposit copies of their published work into the University's Institutional Repository……….The Repository is a freely available database which anyone in the world can access and is intended to be a showcase of the research undertaken at the University.”

16 Impact of the statement Increased awareness of the existence of a repository here at Glasgow Significant increase in number of staff depositing content Significant increase in the range of content across the University The repository is seen an institutional initiative NOT a library initiative

17 Two Routes to Deposit Mediated deposit via e-mail Self-deposit

18 Research Office Support Publicity and announcements Interest in showcasing our publications “New Publications” website being created Explore integrating Enlighten with other Research services –Research Map –Innovative Licences project

19 The Future Enlighten and the RAE University will continue to encourage staff to deposit their publications The University is considering requiring the electronic deposit of theses Ongoing advocacy campaign

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