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Presentation on theme: " ORCNext – WP4 Development of supercritical technologies WP-leader: UGent– Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Michel De."— Presentation transcript:

1 ORCNext – WP4 Development of supercritical technologies WP-leader: UGent– Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Michel De Paepe 1

2 WP status in a glance Highlights 1.Literature study about transcritical ORCs 2.Literature study about supercritical heat transfer  ongoing 3.Acquaintance with ‘EES’  First simulation models for simple subcritical cycles 2

3 WP status in a glance Lowlights 1.PhD student started 01/10/2012 2.Literature finished by end of December 3.Contact with University of Queensland, Australia 3

4 status of the research compared to the planning & the expected results 1.Literature survey 2.Investigate thermophysical properties around C.P  Refprop/EES 3.Design test setup + order material 4.Model transcritical cycle (together with WP1) 4

5 Industrial relevance What result can lead to an R&D project with industry right now? - What would be needed to make this more interesting? - Who from the Advisory Group should be contacted? - Who from outside the AG could be contacted? - 5

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