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1 Why All the Conflict in the Middle East?. 2 Main Reasons Religion ◦ Islam, Judaism, Christianity Politics ◦ Democracy vs. Authoritarianism Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Why All the Conflict in the Middle East?. 2 Main Reasons Religion ◦ Islam, Judaism, Christianity Politics ◦ Democracy vs. Authoritarianism Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Why All the Conflict in the Middle East?

2 2 Main Reasons Religion ◦ Islam, Judaism, Christianity Politics ◦ Democracy vs. Authoritarianism Resources ◦ Oil and Water

3 3 Religion Islam ◦ Shiites (10%) ◦ Sunnis (90%) Islam shares roots with Judaism and Christianity. Radical Islam and Jihad.

4 4 Politics Authoritarian Governments. Lack of rights. Increasing Protests. Corruption. Can democracy work here?

5 5 Resources Oil and Water. Very Arid Region. 70% of World’s Oil supply. Unequal distribution of Wealth.

6 6 Barriers to Peace Land claims. Religious/Racial hatred. Political Corruption. Terrorism. Nationalism.

7 7 The Israel and Palestine Conflict 7

8 8 8

9 9 Claims to the Land ISRAEL Ancestors lived in the area nearly 2,000 years ago. Jerusalem has the most important Jewish holy site, called the Western Wall. PALESTINE Ancestors have been living in the area for nearly 2,000 years. Jerusalem has the third most important Muslim holy site, called Dome of the Rock. 9

10 10 Jerusalem 10 Western Wall (Jewish Holy Site) Dome of the Rock (Muslim Holy Site)

11 11 The Western Wall It is a remnant of the ancient wall that surrounded the Jewish Temple’s courtyard, and is arguably the most sacred site recognized by the Jewish faith. 11

12 12 The Western Wall 12

13 13 Dome of the Rock The Dome of the Rock is in the centre of a greater Muslim shrine, known as the Noble Sanctuary. According to Islamic scholars, the rock is the spot from which Muhammed ascended to Heaven accompanied by the angel Gabriel. 13

14 14 Dome of the Rock 14

15 15 Question to Think About: Why are Israelis and Palestinians fighting over the same land, especially the city of Jerusalem? 15

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