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AP World History Lecture: Objective 1.1.1. Essential Question How did early humans adapted to their ever changing environment as they migrated around.

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Presentation on theme: "AP World History Lecture: Objective 1.1.1. Essential Question How did early humans adapted to their ever changing environment as they migrated around."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP World History Lecture: Objective 1.1.1

2 Essential Question How did early humans adapted to their ever changing environment as they migrated around the world during the Paleolithic age?

3 Overview Objective 1.1.1: Archeological evidence indicates that during the Paleolithic era, hunting-foraging bands of humans gradually migrated from their origin in East Africa to Eurasia, Australia, and the Americas, adapting their technology and cultures to new climate regions.


5 Paleolithic Age in Brief ●Means Old Stone Age from 3 million to 10,000 BC ●Characterized by simple stone tools ●Hunters and Gathers ●Equality amongst the group ●Most of human history ●Nomadic ●Early Humans move out of Africa during this time

6 Questions 1.What ends Paleolithic Age? 1.Why? 1. What so special about Hunting and Gathering?



9 Cooperative Hunting

10 Natural Shelters like caves. Homo Erectus learns to make fire.

11 FIRE!!!!!!!!! A.Humans used fire in new ways: to aid hunting and foraging, to protect against predators, and to adapt to cold environments. a.Homo Erectus was first to learn how to make fire and control fire. b.Fire helped early man digest foods that they could not before. It changed their diet. c.Fire also allowed early man to stay up past sunset allow them more time to work on other things beyond hunting and gathering. d.Fire allowed early man to move into colder regions like Europe and Siberia eventually allowing them to cross into America over the land bridges. e.Fire was also used to protect against larger predators.


13 Tools!!!!!! A.Humans developed a wider range of tools specially adapted to different environments from tropics to tundra. a.First appeared about 2 million years ago b.Most made of stone but also of bone, skin, and wood. c.Environment changed technology i.Colder environments force early man to make animal skin clothing ii.Lack of caves meant people built huts from branches and animal skins d. becoming-us/video-excerpt-stone-age-throwing-spears/366/ becoming-us/video-excerpt-stone-age-throwing-spears/366/


15 Economy!!!!! A.Economic structures focused on small kinship groups of hunting foraging bands that could make what they needed to survive. However, not all groups were self-sufficient; they exchanged people, ideas, and goods. a.followed the animal migrations b.Hunting (Men) c.Gathering (Women) d.Relative social equality among the group because of shared responsibilities for bringing in the food. e.Exchanged people (mainly men) f.Ideas (different technologies)

16 Hunting and Gathering to Farming ●

17 Discussion Questions Break up into four groups. Four corners. Write down answer to your discussion question. Quickly Post findings to YOU MIGHT HAVE TO ACTUAL USE YOUR BOOK TO FIND MORE INFORMATION!!!! ●What are the characteristics of nomadic societies? Motivations? ●How long ago did hominids begin to evolve? Why? ●What period did people begin developing the arts? Hypothesis Why? ●Effects of pastoralist on history and society? What do they bring to the development of the human race?

18 If time watch ● 1.html?pop=yes&pid=2146# 1.html?pop=yes&pid=2146#

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