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Coimbra Group of Universities. A network of 40 European universities with a specific profile 4 characteristics: high quality research universities long.

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Presentation on theme: "Coimbra Group of Universities. A network of 40 European universities with a specific profile 4 characteristics: high quality research universities long."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coimbra Group of Universities

2 A network of 40 European universities with a specific profile 4 characteristics: high quality research universities long – established in university-dominated cities outside capital comprehensive (membership by invitation only)

3 Origins Coimbra Group created as network of universities with similar profile and similar challenges (strong impact on region, historical buildings...) - 1985 Louvain-la-Neuve & Leuven invite potential network members - 1986 first General Assembly in Coimbra CG at origin of European Union Erasmus Programme

4 From CG Mission Statement The Coimbra Group is committed to the promotion of academic collaboration between its members on three basic levels: mutual exchange of experience development of best practice influencing European policy

5 Members 1 Austria:Graz Belgium: Leuven, Louvain-la-Neuve Czech Republic: Prague Denmark: Aarhus Estonia: Tartu Finland: Åbo, Turku France: Lyon, Montpellier, Poitiers Germany: Göttingen, Heidelberg, Jena, Würzburg Greece:Thessaloniki Hungary: Budapest Ireland: Galway, Trinity College Dublin

6 Members 2 Italy: Bologna, Padova, Pavia, Siena Norway: Bergen Poland: Cracow Portugal: Coimbra Romania: Iaşi Russian FederationSt Petersburg Spain: Barcelona, Granada, Salamanca Sweden: Uppsala Switzerland:Geneva The Netherlands: Groningen, Leiden TurkeyIstanbul United Kingdom: Bristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford

7 Coimbra Group structure General Assembly (all rectors) 1 meeting/year in framework of Annual Conference Executive Board (8 elected members) 1 meeting/month Rectors’ Advisory Group (7 elected members) 2 meetings/year together with Executive Board 8 Task Forces (all member universities can join) each Task Force meets several times/year

8 Coimbra Group Office (Brussels) Inge Anna Nathalie Catarina Serge Inge KnudsenOffice Director Anna QuiciTask Force Support Catarina MoleiroTask Force Support Nathalie SonveauxAdministration Serge NgangueAdministration

9 Mobility CG at origin of EU Erasmus Programme and still extremely active in Erasmus mobility - about 20 % of all Erasmus mobility involves a CG university CG has very strong participation in Erasmus Mundus programmes - 40 % of all EM master courses have CG Universities as partners - also very active in Action 2 (previously External Cooperation Windows)

10 Task Forces Thematic Culture, Arts and Humanities Doctoral Studies and Research Employment and Career Guidance e-Learning Education, Training and Mobility Geographic ACP European Neighbourhood Latin America

11 Recent activities 1 CG Position papers on important HE issues (sent to ministers of education and other stakeholders) Annual CG Conferences and other events (seminars, TF) devoted to “hot” HE topics Annual Scholarship programmes European Neighbourhood, Latin America, ACP Presence as stakeholder in important European projects As coordinator: TRANS-DOC As partner: Tuning Africa, U-Map, U-Multirank, IMPI, EMQT

12 Recent activities 2 Links with other networks Montevideo Group; Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities… Dissemination: web portals Open doctoral positions and/or doctoral schools at CG universities Erasmus Mundus master programmes in which CG universities participate Meetings at study field level Deans’ Seminars to promote internal visibility and to offer opportunities for internationalization agenda

13 Deans’ Seminars Deans’ Seminars at study field level 2008: General Assembly supports proposal 2009-2010: 2 meetings took place: science, economics and management 2010-2011: 2 meetings: translation studies, arts and humanities Currently planned: science, translation studies, arts and humanities Added value exchange of experience, development of best practice international benchmarking of study programmes international joint programmes increasing mobility (20% goal)


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