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Solving Logarithmic Equations To solve today's equations, we are going to rewrite them in exponential form and use the methods learned in the last unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Solving Logarithmic Equations To solve today's equations, we are going to rewrite them in exponential form and use the methods learned in the last unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solving Logarithmic Equations To solve today's equations, we are going to rewrite them in exponential form and use the methods learned in the last unit to solve them!

2 Page 2 Now, we have to get each side of the equation to have the same base.

3 Page 2 Since the variable is by itself, we just need to evaluate the left side of the equation!

4 Page 2

5 For this problem, we need to get rid of the exponent by raising both sides to the reciprocal of that exponent!

6 Page 2

7 Page 4


9 If you square one side of the equation, you have to do the other side to keep the equation balanced!!

10 Homework Page 2 #16-32 EVEN

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