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The EU as a Global Player Margaritis SCHINAS Director-Deputy Head.

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Presentation on theme: "The EU as a Global Player Margaritis SCHINAS Director-Deputy Head."— Presentation transcript:

1 The EU as a Global Player Margaritis SCHINAS Director-Deputy Head

2 Three fundamental questions A.A “player” in which “game” ? Trends in a globalised world (2011-2030) B. What is the “team’s” composition and line-up ? C. What are the instruments and the tactics?

3 A. A “player” in which “game” ? Trends in a globalised world (2011-2030) High uncertainty and unpredictability Towards a sense of global citizenship of common humanity A world without hegemonic powers Towards a poly-centric world (power taken away from State)./…

4 A. A “player” in which “game” ? Trends in a globalised world (2011-2030) A world with less poverty, but the poverty challenge will remain (new poor) Empowerment of the individual; pressure to meet citizen’s expectations Greater need for (and greater obstacles to) global regulation Greater need for (and greater resistance to) more “Europe”

5 B. What is the “team’s” composition and line-up ? The Brussels component after the Lisbon Treaty The national capitals of the EU Member States The added value of joint action - sine qua non condition for team success../…

6 C. What are the instruments and the tactics? Exiting the financial crisis; the quest for European economic governance and growth Promoting global trade EU enlargement and EU neighbourhood policies./…

7 C. What are the instruments and the tactics? Th EU Multiannual Financial Framework (2013-2020) The external dimensions of common EU policies (Energy, Transport, food Safety, Justice and Home Affairs) The common Foreign and Security Policy; the case for defence cooperation Development and humanitarian aid.

8 And now what ? A look beyond the three fundamental questions These are challenging times, but not suited for definite conclusions Geo-political atmospherics increasingly uncertain, internal policy tools and instruments still in progress Very high expectations for (internal and external) delivery../…

9 And now what ? A look beyond the three fundamental questions European leaders accountable to national parliaments; no European public opinion Member States’ reflex not always Brussels-driven, although European added value remains undisputed European paradoxe : the EU introspection in world affairs vs its increasing attraction for inward investment by emerging economies.

10 “Soft Power” : the EU’s best asset A view from Tahrir Square : “we want to live like you, we want democracy as in Turkey” Promoting European values, rights, lifestyle Standing for inclusiveness and tolerance (minorities, women, elderly)../…

11 “Soft Power” : the EU’s best asset Projecting mobility, access to education and universal healthcare, creativity, excellence in sports, fashion & design Soft power is the safest avenue for EU influence in the globalised economy, but needs to be backed by economic success and social innovation.

12 EU and Turkey : a solid partnership Old friends (1961 partnership agreement, 1995 customs union, 2005 formal pre- accession status) Good friends (103 billion € trade in 2010, EU is Turkey’s biggest trade partner, 80 % of total FDIs in Turkey originate from the EU)../…

13 EU and Turkey : a solid partnership Turkey more relevant than ever (economy, G20, foreign affairs, NATO, Middle East, South Mediteranean) Trusted (?) friends : need to clear the horizon and address the real stakes.

14 Overall conclusion « …there seems to be only one solution to today’s problems : simply to attack them by using a different method from the one we applied when we created them … » Albert Einstein

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