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By Amika, Jay, Karri, Leigh, Riley. WHAT IS PUBERTY ? Puberty is when young teenagers develop and change as you move from a kid to an adult. Teenagers.

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Presentation on theme: "By Amika, Jay, Karri, Leigh, Riley. WHAT IS PUBERTY ? Puberty is when young teenagers develop and change as you move from a kid to an adult. Teenagers."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Amika, Jay, Karri, Leigh, Riley

2 WHAT IS PUBERTY ? Puberty is when young teenagers develop and change as you move from a kid to an adult. Teenagers hormones go crazy and they feel sexual tension towards the opposite sex. Puberty is when you start getting hair on your crutch area, there is so many different things that happen when going through puberty.

3 WHAT AGE DOES GIRLS PUBERTY START? Girls the age for starting puberty can be between the age of 8 to 13.What happens to girls when starting puberty. They start to develop breast they get there period, get hair on the virginal area. For girls going trough puberty can be very stressful thing because there hormones are going crazy and girls attitude can get very bitchy.

4 WHAT AGE DOES BOYS PUBERTY START? Boys start puberty at the average age of 9 to 16. What happens to boys when reaching puberty? There voice gets deeper, muscles develop, there chest gets broader, penis gets bigger, hair grows on face,chest underarms,legs, crutch area.

5 Emotional Both boys and girls go trough a stage of Emotional times when going through puberty. Why is this ? Boys emotional times get can very hard for them, reasons why this happens ? They get mood swings, they can feel sad, glad, angry, despairing all in one minute, it all perfectly normal. Girls emotional times can be caused by mood swings, sadness, depression and an increase interest in her sexuality. These changes are normal part of puberty which experienced by girls.

6 Social Girls and boys when going through puberty they sleep more, and they stay up later, which makes them not as sociable. They can get very stressed out from there friends and get angry because they haven't had enough sleep. Most kids cant sleep at night cause there to busy texting or on the computer.

7 Physical Some of the physical changes that happen when going trough puberty for girls, growth of breast, pubic hair, under arm hair, they get taller and lots more. The physical changes that happen to boys are height and weight increase,hair grows in the pubic area under arms, and on the face, and there hair on there legs get thicker,they get acne and lots more.


9 What boys worry about before leaving the house!

10 What girls worry about before they leave the house !

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