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Adolescence. A transition period from childhood to adulthood, extending from puberty to independence.

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1 Adolescence

2 A transition period from childhood to adulthood, extending from puberty to independence.

3 Does the formula for classic sexual education videos remain successful today? Or, is there any strategy filmmakers should take to reach its adolescent audience?

4  In rural America transition from childhood to adult life would have happened more quickly.  Formal education ended at 8 th grade  Young couples married, began farming and started a family before they turned 20

5  Begins with sexual maturation, which Is happening 2 years earlier then it did 100 years ago.  More students extend their formal education to college and beyond.  Young Americans are also waiting longer to get married.  Teens may also remain partially dependent on their parents for financial support well into their twenties.


7  A rite of passage is a ritual event that marks a person's progress from one status to another.ritualstatus  Religious or secular, symbolic or social, these rituals in and of themselves don't grant adulthood and responsibility of course, but they indicate its onset.

8  In many Hispanic cultures, a girl celebrates her 15th birthday with a quinceanera, where she wears a white dress and may receive a last doll to symbolize the end of childhood.  The tradition of a debutante being introduced to society dates to 18th-century Britain, when aristocratic young ladies were formally presented at the royal court in the hopes they would find a husband from their own class.


10  Do you think rites of passage help form a sense of identity? Why or why not?  Please answer with 3-4 complete sentences.

11  Your Friendships and romances  Decisions about conformity and non-conformity  Concerns about popularity  Separation from family What experiences relate to social development?

12 Peer Pressure Peer pressure refers to demands for conformity to group norms and a demonstration of commitment and loyalty to group members. What are some lessons learned from high school peer relations that can continue to be meaningful throughout life?

13  Teen years into early 20’s  Teenagers work at refining a sense of self by testing roles  What are my priorities? Why did I act that way?  Integrate these roles to form a single identity  OR teenagers become confused about who they are.


15  A wife  A mother  A daughter  An older sister  An aunt  A friend  Independent  A sometimes reader  A singer  A fan Days of Our Lives  A younger sister  A romantic movie fan  An “indoor” enthusiast  Untrusting  Happy  LOUD  A middle child  Open-minded  Optimistic  A Canadian  A small town/country girl  A fan of medicine  Strong  Passionate  A voter  Self-driven  An authoritative parent  A music fan  A Teacher  Opinionated  From Alberta  Strong-willed  A dog lover (well my dog anyways)

16  Describe a time when you rebelled against authority. What feelings did you have when this happened? What were the consequences of your actions?


18  Testing limits parents set  Fashion styles  Hair styles  The drive for independence becomes unhealthy when rebelling against society’s standards take the form of a criminal or self-destructive act.

19  Relationships during adolescence tend to be self-ish  Teens learn about their unique self as they move through relationship  Friends are genuine and important, but tend to be temporary

20  Teens see the world with fresh perspective.  Have trouble understanding why some children go to bed hungry and why some adults tolerate injustice.  Many adolescents are willing to tackle serious issues  Human rights  Environmental concerns  Political campaigns This helps teens develop a strong sense of self


22 Cool  Bell bottoms  “hot” pants  Elton John  1969 mustangs  Ford trucks  Long hair  Your own home phone  8-tracks  Carole King  Cruising main street  The Muppets  Sideburns  Wide belts  M.A.S.H  Bob Newhart  Streakers  Smiley Face Uncool  High gas prices  Watergate  Nixon  Vietnam  Curly hair  Short hair  Elvis  Converse or any kind of tennis shoe  White socks  Straight leg pants

23 Cool  Honda’s  Converse  Flip flops  Boy’s 2 Men  Pagers  Dial up internet  The song “strawberry wine”  Tool Time  Cost of gas  Straight hair  Short shorts  “Friends”  Levis Jeans  Zuma beach  Old VW bugs  Something about Mary  Skateboards Uncool  Parents  Curley hair  Guys with long hair  Monica Lewinsky scandal  90210  NKOTB  Anything pink  Homework  My younger brother  Mean people  Bell bottom pants  Reebok shoes  bikes


25  Is it right or wrong to exceed the speed limit?  Please write 3-4 sentences to explain your answer.

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