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EARTHTOUCH EDUCATION AWARENESS EXPERIENCES OF THE NATURAL WORLD A powerful tool for raising ecological and spiritual awareness of the interconnection –

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Presentation on theme: "EARTHTOUCH EDUCATION AWARENESS EXPERIENCES OF THE NATURAL WORLD A powerful tool for raising ecological and spiritual awareness of the interconnection –"— Presentation transcript:

1 EARTHTOUCH EDUCATION AWARENESS EXPERIENCES OF THE NATURAL WORLD A powerful tool for raising ecological and spiritual awareness of the interconnection – and oneness – of all living things

2 WHAT DOES IT ACHIEVE? > Re-connects people with the Earth >Changes attitudes, behaviour, values >Opens up spaces of innovation: environmental, educational and social >Socializes people

3 ¿MORE SPECIFICALLY? >Enhances respect for everything in Nature >Teaches about change and natural cycles, simplicity and interdependence >Distinguishes vital needs from consumer desires >Increases equanimity and respect for balance ¿MORE SPECIFICALLY? >Enhances respect for everything in Nature >Teaches about change and natural cycles, simplicity and interdependence >Distinguishes vital needs from consumer desires >Increases equanimity and respect for balance

4 THE PROCESS: An experience of universal principles of nature, through journeying out of doors THE BASIC SEQUENCE: I  WE  NATURE Share a journey towards  understanding and also... share reflections … on that understanding THE PROCESS: An experience of universal principles of nature, through journeying out of doors THE BASIC SEQUENCE: I  WE  NATURE Share a journey towards  understanding and also... share reflections … on that understanding

5 SOME OF THE MANY THINGS WE SHARE... FIRST, COME THE ‘EXTERNALS’ These make the journey possible: GROUP GAMES... Motivation, belonging, confidence WORKING TOGETHER... Solving problems PERSONAL INITIATIVE … Proactive participation TAKING RESPONSIBILITY … Caring for others’ welfare MOVING TOGETHER... Choosing route, rhythm, resting ORIENTATION... With Nature, and with technology PLANNING … Times, distances, weather alternatives RISK … Preventing, handling, and first aid SIMPLE EQUIPMENT... Personal, group, and safety

6 THE JOURNEY BRINGS THE ‘INTERNALS’: Experiencing and internalizing everything we share with Nature: INFORMATION Identifying flora, fauna, understanding natural processes, the immensity of life’s history AWARENESS, EMOTIONS, INTUITION Living in direct contact with the earth – by day, night, in changing weathers, seasons OUR IDENTITY, OUR INSPIRATIONS TO TRANSCEND Creativity, spirituality, our actions every day

7 EARTHTOUCH EDUCATION essentially enables the learning of eternal, universal values from the earth … and the practice of them in the every day

8 PEACE >Feeling at one with the natural world >Feeling at one with one’s companions >Accepting circumstances that change

9 EQUANIMITY >The practising of peace – respect and non-violence >Causing minimum negative impact, both on the natural world, the social world, and on oneself

10 INTEGRITY >Being consistent in word and action >Participating proactively in group- generated undertakings >Living with consequences of decisions >Simple expeditions

11 UNDERSTANDING >Understanding the way things happen in Nature, in oneself and other people >Spending time outside at night >Reflecting together round a fire

12 GENEROSITY >Sharing things, doing social service >Sharing time with animals and birds >Sharing explorations >Respecting Nature, others and oneself

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