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Operational Center. We raise over 20,000 birds each year.

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Presentation on theme: "Operational Center. We raise over 20,000 birds each year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operational Center

2 We raise over 20,000 birds each year.

3 Let’s begin the journey of raising game birds….

4 Collecting Eggs!

5 We collect and wash hundreds of eggs each day.

6 The eggs are then stored until its time to incubate. This incubator will hold up to 5,000 pheasant eggs at one time.

7 After the eggs incubate for approximately 3 weeks, they hatch into…

8 Our little babies at 5 weeks old All young pheasants are this dusty brown color to help camouflage them from predators in the wild.

9 At 6 to 7 weeks old all our pheasants are equipped with blinders.

10 They are already beginning to show their colored plumage.

11 At 16 weeks they are almost fully feathered.

12 Adolescent birds are moved outside to a flight pen where they are flight – conditioned.

13 A pheasant is considered fully grown at 18-20 weeks of age. Now they’re ready to hunt!

14 We also raise… Bob-White Quail Red-Legged Chukar


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