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Group F: Vertebrates By: Roy Mandanas, Davyn Leon, and Carl Jimenez.

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Presentation on theme: "Group F: Vertebrates By: Roy Mandanas, Davyn Leon, and Carl Jimenez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group F: Vertebrates By: Roy Mandanas, Davyn Leon, and Carl Jimenez

2 Fish  Over half of all vertebrates are fishes.  Fishes are the most diverse vertebrate group.  Fishes exhibit five key charactereistics  Vertebral column  Jaws and paired appendages  Internal gills  Single-loop blood circulations  Nutritional deficiencies

3 Amphibians  Living Amphibians have five distunguishing features  Legs: Legs are one of the key adaptions to life on land  Lungs: Amphinbian breathe by lowering the floor of the mouth to suck in air, and then raising it back to force the air down into the lings  Cutaneous Respiration:  Pulmonary veins: In this way aerated blood is pumped to the tissue at a much higher pressure  Partially divided heart: The blood circulation is thus divided into 2 sperate paths: pulmonary and systemic.

4 Reptiles  Repitles exhibit 3 characteristics  Amnitoic eggs: The outermost membrane of the egg is the chorion  Dry skin: Most Living amphibians have moist skin and must remain in moist places to drying out  Thoracic breathing: breath by squeezing their throat to pump air into lungs; limits their breathing capacity to the volume of their mouths  Also have presence and number of openings behind the eyes. Jaw muscles were anchored to there holes to bite more powerfully  Belong to 4 groups: Order Chelonia(turtles and tortoises), order rhynchocephalia(Tuataras),Order Squamata (lizards and snakes), Order Crocodylia (crocs and alligators)

5 Birds  Key characteristics:  Feather: made of keratin, used for flight and heat conservation  Flight skeleton: thin and hollow bones

6 Mammals  Key Characteristics:  Hair: all mammals have hair. Evolution of fur and the regulation of body temperature enabled mammals to invade colder climates that enabled mammals to invade colder climates that ectothermic reptiles do not inhabit  Mammary glands: All female mammals possess mammary glands can secrete milk. Newborn mammals suckle this milk as their primary food. About 50% of the energy of the milk is fat  Endothermy: a crucial adaptation that has allowed them to be active at any time of the day or night and to colonize severe environments, from deserts to ice fields  Placenta: Females carry their developing young internally in a uterus, nourishing them through the placenta, and give birth to live young

7 True and False 1. Reptiles make up the most of vertebrates’ 2. Legs are one of the key adaption to life on land 3. Reptiles breath by squeezing their throat to pump air into lungs 4. Birds have flight skeltons with hollow bones 5. All mammals have hair

8 Mulitiple choice  Which of the following is NOT one of the five characteristics of Fish? a) Vertebral column b) Jaws and paired appendages c) Cutaneous respiration d) Internal gills e) Single-loop blood circulations

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