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 This biome is found in areas in each continent.  This is created by cool from the ocean merging with a landmass with a high temperature.

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2  This biome is found in areas in each continent.  This is created by cool from the ocean merging with a landmass with a high temperature.



5  Major chaparral biomes are found along the coast of Baja and California  Also located in areas such as Mexico, Europe, and the Northern part of Africa  Features include mountains and fields  Latitude: 32 ⁰ 44’ N

6  The most common plants of this biome in California are the coyote brush, manzanita, mountain mahogany, sagebrush and blue oak  To thrive is this community they each have adapted in their own way  One shrub has a chemical makeup that makes it fire-retardant  Another plant has an extensive root system that can grow through cracks to reach ground water  Also another adaptation is dwarfing which is getting smaller to survive

7  The most common animals in this area are the spotted skunk, grey fox, island grey fox, cactus wren and wrentit  An adaptation of the birds is to base the amount off eggs they lay on their food supply  Spotted skunks build their dens out of a hole in a ground and lines it with leaves  Grey foxes have learned to climb trees in its temperate forest to escape predators

8  An endangered species in this biome is the California Condor  It is near extinct due to issues such as lead poisoning, shootings, and flying into power lines  People have started collecting the eggs This plant is thick and tall and considered a huge fire hazard during the dry season and raising condors to protect them

9  An invasive species in this area is a perennial shrub called the Spanish Bloom  This plant is thick and tall and considered a huge fire hazard during the dry season  People have resorted to cutting down the plant to try to stop the spreading

10  A major threat to this biome is human started fires  There is a huge misconception that chaparral is a fire-dependent plant community that needs to burn often to survive, but instead too much of this is causing weedy, non-native grassland  Another threat is the spraying of herbicides which is also bad for the plants  Stopping these acts would greatly help the biome

11 Copyright 2013 Retrieved from April 29, 2002 “Wild “CNPS – Hardwood Woodlands”, 2003 “Ecoregions”

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