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.. Gradivo za kolokvijum 1. Unit 11 Products 2. Unit 12 Marketing 3. Unit 15 Venture capital 4. Business English: MEETINGS – pdf file na stranici predmeta.

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2 Gradivo za kolokvijum 1. Unit 11 Products 2. Unit 12 Marketing 3. Unit 15 Venture capital 4. Business English: MEETINGS – pdf file na stranici predmeta. Pogledati na prethodnim prezentacijama šta je tačno iz svake lekcije ura đ eno.

3 Obratiti pažnju na: 1. Detaljno pročitati liste reči. Znati prevod na srpski i definiciju na engleskom. 2. Osnovne ideje i činjenice iz obrađenih tekstova. 3. Ključne fraze i reči iz skripte Meetings.

4 Očekivati pitanja iz lekcija poput... 1. What is a product? 2. What is a brand? 3. Explain the term product line? 4. What brands are you loyal to and why? 5. When are you a brand switcher? 6. Explain the concept of trust and loyalty in branding. 7. Explain the difference between corporate and individual branding. 8. How can you measure a brand value?

5 Nastavak…. Define the terms of distribution channel, market opportunities… (p.64) What are the stages of a product life cycle? Use one product to describe it. Elements of a Business Plan…define each in a sentence or two. Make your own business plan. Start and finish a meeting. Make na apology about absence. Present agenda….

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