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© Corrosion Properties Of HVOF-Coated Steel In Simulated Concrete Pore Electrolyte And Concentrated Chloride Environments Khaled, MM; Yibas, BS ELSEVIER.

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Presentation on theme: "© Corrosion Properties Of HVOF-Coated Steel In Simulated Concrete Pore Electrolyte And Concentrated Chloride Environments Khaled, MM; Yibas, BS ELSEVIER."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Corrosion Properties Of HVOF-Coated Steel In Simulated Concrete Pore Electrolyte And Concentrated Chloride Environments Khaled, MM; Yibas, BS ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, SURFACE COATINGS TECHNOLOGY; pp: 433-438; Vol: 202 King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Summary The corrosion susceptibility of steel and HVOF-coated steel in solutions simulating the alkaline concrete pore environment and with the addition of chloride was investigated using potentiodynamic polarization and potential step techniques. The surface characterization was performed using SEM and the surface elemental analysis was determined by EDS. The concentration of chloride was 2.8 M to simulate the concentration of chloride spread in many local regions of Saudi Arabia and called Sabkha. It was found that, in the case of the simulated concrete pore electrolytes, the HVOF coating resulted in an anodic shift of the corrosion potential with marginal effect on the corrosion current. However, upon addition of 2.8 M chloride solution, the corrosion rate of the HVOF-coated steel was found to increase by a factor of two. SEM showed a network of pores within the coating which provides a path for the electrolyte. This would result in preferential corrosion around splat boundaries and confirmed by EDS which showed that the corroded splats have higher oxide contents. Potential step experiments at 400 mV above open circuit potential showed a suppressed current of the HVOF-coated steel compared to the steel substrate alone. The corrosion potential versus time experiments resulted in a more anodic Ecorr which decreased with time and became equal to the Ecorr of the bare steel after 34 h. After that, the corrosion potential of the HVOF-coated steel decreased due to the increase in galvanic coupling between the steel and the HVOF coating. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Copyright: King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals;

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