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10.24.10 I Am Global International Ministries Is it given unto thee, or grown from within thee? Genesis 3:18 “Because of sin, the ground of man’s heart.

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Presentation on theme: "10.24.10 I Am Global International Ministries Is it given unto thee, or grown from within thee? Genesis 3:18 “Because of sin, the ground of man’s heart."— Presentation transcript:

1 10.24.10 I Am Global International Ministries Is it given unto thee, or grown from within thee? Genesis 3:18 “Because of sin, the ground of man’s heart was cursed. The heart of man was now bound by a covenant of permissive will, no longer the perfect will of God. Decisions within the earth were now made by self desires mixed with the knowledge of God. Man’s heart was now fashioned after sin, and thorns and thistles shall it bring forth unto thee.” “Now that we are under the new covenant with Christ Jesus, the heart of man does not have to bear thorns and thistles because it can be born again of God, but if the heart of a man does bear thorns and thistles, let not that man believe that he has been born again unto God..” 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13 “Through submission to the will of Christ, the heart of man can be unblameable should he decide to carry out the service of holiness.” There are two types of man outlined when the identity of thorns is discussed; there are those that are given them, and those that grow them. 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 “The Apostle Paul was given a thorn in his side to keep him from being exalted beyond measure. This thorn was not given to Paul to keep him from arrogance because humility was already found in him, nevertheless the thorn given to him was but to keep those around him from thinking that he be above what they see or hear from him.”

2 “When the Apostle Paul says that the thorn given to him was to buffet him, this term generally Thorns that are given are those that are permitted by God from the enemy to: 1.keep followers of Christ within the measure of what’s given to them firmly ensure that God can get the glory for His use of that individual, and bring remembrance of the principle that those who follow Christ should always desire a position of servant hood and never assume the nerve to be master The second type of thorns are those grown: Hebrews 6:8 “When thorns and briers are grown from the heart of man, they are significant of a heart whose end is to be burned.” “This heart more than often is full of age to receive the meat of the Word of God, but it has put Christ up for open shame by falling away from the light of the Truth.” “The heart that grows thorns exposes itself to be lacking basic moral decision making and is perverted by speculation and superstitions of the word of God. Worshipping God out of ignorance to who He really is.” “This heart has a seemingly true but false love for truth, a resistance to the application of truth, anxiously religious, overly careful of the physical aspects of God but not the spiritual forgetting the word of the Lord that God is a Spirit. ” John 4:24

3 “A land (heart) bearing thorns and briers is the signification of one who has been rejected because of failing the test(s).” “Rejection symbolizes being spewed out of the mouth of God because you have been found to be foul. If your fruit is not deemed suitable for digestion of the body, you will be regurgitated by the command of the Lord from His body.” “Like wise, a soldier meets rejection because of failed tests and has therefore forfeited entrance into the military of Christ as a soldier. Let not this man think he will be crowned for anything lest he compete by following the orders of Christ. The heart that grows thorns is one of a reprobate condition.” Titus 1:16 Matthew 7:16-20 “Those who grown thorns, whether there are grapes with those thorns, or figs with those thorns, cannot bring forth good fruit; the end of that heart is to be cut down and reserved for fire.” “Let a man given thorns rejoice, for He has been deemed worthy of God to be kept lowly not just through self-control of the Spirit, but by those things which are the ingredients of his environment, and he is now deemed a direct and personal threat to enemies of the Lord.” “Is it given unto thee, or grown from within thee ?”

4 I Am Global Ministries 22 Irongate Drive Waldorf, MD 20602 You can enjoy more revelation knowledge by attending our next Sunday Service, November 14 @ 5pm. Our next Bible Study is November 18, 2010 @ 7pm.Hope to see you there! To order this message on DVD at no charge to you free shipping & handling Request # SS102410

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