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Sailing Club. Welcome Introduction of Instructors Darin Yawn- ‘Pablo’ US Sailing Level 1 Small Boat Instructor- 7 years, 9 years teaching Graduated Tech.

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Presentation on theme: "Sailing Club. Welcome Introduction of Instructors Darin Yawn- ‘Pablo’ US Sailing Level 1 Small Boat Instructor- 7 years, 9 years teaching Graduated Tech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sailing Club

2 Welcome Introduction of Instructors Darin Yawn- ‘Pablo’ US Sailing Level 1 Small Boat Instructor- 7 years, 9 years teaching Graduated Tech last Fall, ME Sail 420s, Hobies, Lasers, windsurfers, keels, kiteboard, etc.

3 Sailing Club Welcome Introduction of Instructors Christina O’Neill- ‘Chrissy’ Commodore: GT Sailng Senior Year CS Sails 420s, Hobies, Lasers, windsurfers, keels

4 Sailing Club Welcome! Learn to Sail Options Class Run by GT Sailing Club 6 weeks Class/ On-the-Water Clinics You are all now GT Sailing Members!

5 Sailing Club Goals Basic Understanding of Sailing Includes: Theoretical (Class) Practical (Clinics) Both are equally important AND will get you sailing sooner! By the end of class: Be GT Sailing Club Certified (optional US Sailing Cert.) Most importantly: Being Comfortable ON A BOAT in yo flippy-floppies

6 Sailing Club Introduction to GT Sailin’ Founded in 1961 Fleet of over 30 boats with very large SGA budget Very active club membership involved in Recreation, Instruction, Competition Newly renovated WEBSITE:

7 Sailing Club Boats Club 420 Base boat for this class 2 person dinghy ( fancy word for a small boat) Measures 420 cm long

8 Sailing Club Boats Laser Single Person Boat Hobie 16’ Catamaran 2 Person boat 2 Hulls, fun, fast

9 Sailing Club Boats- Other OPTIONS (classes) Windsurfers Fast Same principals Fast J 24 Keel Boat 5-7 people

10 Sailing Club Let’s Get Started Sailing is SAFE Sailing well acknowledges, assesses, and prepares for risk Can’t Swim? Comfort in/around the water is focus of this class (lifejackets help) Get cold easily? Everyone does, preparation is key Scared of sinking? All students learn how to avoid, react to any situation Afraid of becoming TOO awesome now that you’re in GT Sailing? Its inevitable

11 Sailing Club Clinics: Will be on weekends of YOUR choice Two exceptions: No clinic on fall break Club trip to Florida for sailing, relaxing, perfection Can not be on Saturdays of home football games. (no explanation necessary)

12 Sailing Club Clinics: Location: Lake Lanier Sailing Club 45 min north of Atlanta Boat Storage, free camping

13 Sailing Club Clinics: What to bring: Clothes to get wet (swimsuits, etc) Towel, Sunglasses, Sunscreen, Water bottle Usually grab lunch on the way up, eat during clinic chalkboard session

14 Sailing Club Clinics: What to Know This Week: How to be Safe How to Rig How to Steer How to Control the Sails

15 Sailing Club Clinics: What to Know This Week: How to be Safe/ How to Rig will be covered this weekend at the clinic Please read pages 8,9,12,13,14*,18,19,24 (I promise we will cover most material in class with little-no out of class reading in the future)

16 Sailing Club Clinics: How to Steer: Boat uses a rudder, controlled by a tiller Tiller is controlled by the Skipper (driver of the boat) Rudder Tiller

17 Sailing Club Clinics: How to Steer: Skippers aft (back) hand is ALWAYS on the tiller Regardless of the wind, tiller steers the boat

18 Sailing Club Clinics: How to Steer Always be AWARE Know where you are steering Know where you are Watch your surroundings Keep calm, make subtle smooth turns

19 Sailing Club Clinics: How to Control the Sails: 420s have two sails: Jib, in front, controlled by the Crew Main, controlled by Skipper Main Sail Jib

20 Sailing Club Clinics: How to Control the Sails: Primary sail control is called a Sheet Sheet is simply a Line (a rope with a purpose) which controls the Sail position Sheet pulled inSheet let out Sail

21 Sailing Club Clinics: How to Control the Sails: The DIRECTION the boat is pointing requires a specific sail position However, as a beginner, “sheeting in” will increase power “Sheeting out”, especially WAY out, will de-power Sheet pulled inSheet let out Sail Sheet out, Sail flapping= NO POWER = SAFE

22 Sailing Club Clinics: How to Control the Sails: The specific location is based on the WIND DIRECTION Eventually you will learn to adjust perfectly For now, we will learn what WON’T work Sheet out, Sail flapping= NO POWER = SAFE

23 Sailing Club Clinics:

24 Sailing Club Moving/ Not Moving You want to move: Sheet in. Seriously, pull the sail in TIGHT Sail is still Luffing (flapping) You are pointing into the No- Go Zone/Wind, steer somewhere else If you are not turning, you’re not moving (just hold tiller steady)

25 Sailing Club Moving/ Not Moving You want to STOP: Sheet out. Seriously, all the way out. If the sail flaps loudly, you’re doing it right. Sail is still full and moving fast: You are pointing downwind, steer upwind. Tiller works, too well! Keep Calm and make small steady turns.

26 Sailing Club Questions? We will cover this all in even more detail this weekend, be ready for a great time! Again, please read pages 8,9,12,13,14*,18, 19,24

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