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Stacie Lor (ESL teacher, Green Bay) Jim Haese (ESL teacher, Green Bay) Mai Lee Thor (ESL teacher, Green Bay) See Lee (ESL teacher, Green Bay)

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Presentation on theme: "Stacie Lor (ESL teacher, Green Bay) Jim Haese (ESL teacher, Green Bay) Mai Lee Thor (ESL teacher, Green Bay) See Lee (ESL teacher, Green Bay)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stacie Lor (ESL teacher, Green Bay) Jim Haese (ESL teacher, Green Bay) Mai Lee Thor (ESL teacher, Green Bay) See Lee (ESL teacher, Green Bay)

2 Ethnicity Population

3 Ethnicity Breakdown

4 Home Language & Programs

5 School Growth

6 In’s & Out’s

7 PLC Model Linda Dorn Lance M. Gentile

8 Research & Findings Harvard Graduate School of Education Cambridge  With Proper Intervention, ESL students Not at Learning Disadvantage  Conducted by Nonie Lesaux, assistant professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education  1,000 native English- and ESL- speaking children immersed in mainstream English classrooms in Canada from K to 2 nd grade  Large sample of ESL students with diverse linguistic and social backgrounds who entered kindergarten (33 different languages)  Screened children for reading difficulties  Trained teachers to focus on pre-literacy instruction & intervention for students who are at-risk for reading failure

9 Research & Findings cont. Key Findings  The study found that by the end of 2 nd grade, the ESL children had attained reading skills that were similar to, and in some cases better than, their native English-speaking peers.  All children—regardless of their native language—are likely to benefit from early interventions.  Simultaneous achievement of English reading skills and language proficiency can be an effective process, but investment from the school district, staff resources and teachers are also necessary to achieve early literacy and vocabulary.  Progress Monitor students  There is a correlation between vocabulary development and effective literacy instruction in ELLs.

10 Quotes “Instruction that provides substantial coverage in the key components of reading—identified by the National Reading Panel (NICHD, 2000) as phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension— has clear benefits for language-minority students.” -Diane August & Timothy Shanahan Developing Literacy in Second-Language Learners: Report of the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth 2006

11 Quotes “At the conclusion of the lesson series the child is still in need of rich opportunities for further development in the language of instruction. His exposure to English vocabulary and grammar has been limited, and many of the concepts he encounters in his classroom reading will be unfamiliar. However, after a series of Reading Recovery lessons the child then has three complementary routes to that further language learning, via oral language, writing, and reading.” -Marie M. Clay (2005)

12 Language & Grammar Structure Reading Oral (Listening & Speaking)Writing

13 Assessment Fountas & Pinnell  Vocabulary assessment  3x’s a year: October, January, & May  Assess students’ at grade level expectations  Assess students’ satisfactory (instructional) level  Instruct students at their satisfactory (instructional) vocabulary level

14 Assessment cont. How do I figure out my students’ “Satisfactory” vocabulary?  Fountas and Pinnell Reading vocabulary Assessment Scores: (0-8)= Unsatisfactory (9-11)= Satisfactory (12-15)= Excellent

15 Assessment cont.  Dr. Michael Graves – The Vocabulary Book  Four step strategy (inferring word meanings from context)  Dictionary  Context-Dictionary-Discussion Procedure  Definition-Plus-Rich-Context Procedure  Context-Relationship Procedure  Rich Instruction

16 Grade Level Vocabulary Reading Group Before reading Teacher picks at least 5 words from the book that are relevant to the reading or words that you anticipate the students will not be able to problem solve on their own. Ask the student what he/she thinks each word means. Purpose: to determine if the student know any of the words before the reading.

17 Earthquakes Text level U Vocabulary words:  Diajnqeeg  Puas ntsoog  Feem ntaub

18 diajnqeeg Puasntsoog. Feemntau


20 Vocabulary Assessment: Progress Monitoring Name: Book GenreLevelDateWords Before Reading (0-5)= Unsatifact (6-8)= Satisfact (9-12)= Excellent After Reading (0-5)= Unsatifact (6-8)= Satisfact (9-12)= Excellent Comments Coming to America Realistic Fiction N2-16 Ethnic Refugees Ordeal Shelter 4 Unsatisfactory _____ Satisfactory ______ Excellent _____Unsatisfactory 6 Satisfactory ______ Excellent All About Astronauts Non- fiction N3-29 Gravity Mission College camp _____Unsatisfactory 8 Satisfactory ______ Excellent _____Unsatisfactory _____ Satisfactory 10 Excellent _____Unsatisfactory _____ Satisfactory ______ Excellent _____Unsatisfactory _____ Satisfactory ______ Excellent

21 Vocabulary Activity Day 1 Procedure  Select 4 unknown words from the texts  Write it on the white board  Setting a purpose for reading  Select 1 student to assess before reading and after reading  Wrap up / discuss reading Day 2 Procedure  Discuss, share, and record the vocabulary words  Discuss the reading in depth  Writing Prompt (Inferential focus)

22 The New Girl Text level O Vocabulary words:  menyuam  niam  noj mov  siab

23 niam Menyuam


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