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Vocabulary 1 Using context clues 1. Brink Edge of a cliff; beginning point; edge 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary 1 Using context clues 1. Brink Edge of a cliff; beginning point; edge 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary 1 Using context clues 1

2 Brink Edge of a cliff; beginning point; edge 2

3 Chronology Arrangement of events in time; time line 3

4 Conscientiously Dutifully, carefully, following good moral conduct; efficiently 4

5 Disperse Scatter in different directions 5

6 Muted Toned down; softened; muffled 6

7 Obliterate Totally erase or destroy; remove 7

8 Permeate Spread; diffuse; to seep through 8

9 Precipitous Extremely steep 9

10 Subtle Difficult to detect, elusive, delicate 10

11 Zealously Passionately, sincerely, enthusiastically 11

12 Vocabulary 2 Prefixes inter- and intra-

13 Intercom Device for communicating between rooms

14 Interject Insert between two other things

15 Interlaced Lacing together; intermixed

16 Intermediary Person who acts as a go-between, especially to settle differences

17 Intermittent Stopping and starting at intervals

18 Interplay Back-and-forth action; action and reaction

19 Interrogate Question formally

20 Intramural Within an institution

21 Intrastate Within a single state

22 Intravenous or into a vein Within or into a vein

23 Vocabulary 3 Recognizing base words and roots

24 Digression Turning away from the main subject when speaking or writing; deviation from the central theme

25 Dispassionate Devoid of personal feeling or bias; impartial; unaffected by strong personal emotions; fair; free from or unaffected by passion

26 Disposition Mental outlook or mood; predominant or prevailing tendency of one’s spirits; usual emotional response; manner; inclination

27 Infamous Having a bad reputation; disgraceful; being famous for being bad; detestable; shamefully bad

28 Protracted Drawn out or lengthened in time; prolonged; to extend or protrude

29 Regress Move backward; return to a previous, usually worse state; to go back to childhood; go back; to revert to an earlier or less advanced state or form

30 Retort Answer in a quick or biting manner; a person’s verbal retaliation in a fight; to reply sharply

31 Systematic According to a system, method, or plan; thorough and regular; relating to the classifying of species

32 Torsion Twisting or turning

33 Traction Act of drawing or pulling; pulling power; the adhesive friction of a body on some surface

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