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Chapter 2 The Chemistry of Life 2-1 The Nature of Matter.

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2 Chapter 2 The Chemistry of Life

3 2-1 The Nature of Matter

4 Everything is made of matter. And matter comes from the elements. ______ are naturally occurring. Only 4 elements- _________(C),_______________(H), _________________ (O), and __________(N) make up 96% of a human.

5 Elements that make up living things ElementSymbol% in human body Oxygen65.0 Carbon19.5 Hydrogen9.5 Nitrogen3.3 Calcium1.5 Phosphorus1.0 Potassium0.4

6 Elements cont’d Sulfur0.3 Sodium0.2 Chlorine0.2 Magnesium0.1 IronTrace IodineTrace CopperTrace ManganeseTrace MolybdenumTrace

7 Trace Elements Even though some elements are found in very small amounts, these trace elements play a vital role in _________________________________ in all organisms.

8 Atoms- The Building Blocks of Atoms An _______________________ is the smallest part of an element. Atoms are made up of a _________________ surrounded by an ______________________.

9 The nucleus and electron cloud Nucleus is composed of subatomic particles called ________________________(+ charges) and ______________________ (no charges). The electron cloud contains _________________ (- charges) in different energy levels.

10 Protons The ____________________________ determines which element we’re talking about. The number of protons is balanced out by the number of electrons so there is _________________________ in a neutral atom. If an atom has a net charge, it has either more protons or more electrons. If more protons (overall + charge) it’s called a ________________________.

11 Electrons If there are more electrons than protons (overall – charge) it’s called an ________________________. Electrons are found in energy levels.

12 Energy Levels 1 st energy level- holds _____ electrons 2 nd energy level- holds _____ electrons 3 rd energy level- holds _____ electrons Changing levels utilizes energy. From lower to higher, __________ energy. From higher to lower, __________ energy.

13 Neutrons An element can have a _____________ ______________ and still be the same element- just a different version of it. A different number of neutrons gives each substance different ___________________. Substances with differing numbers of neutrons are called ______________________.

14 Isotopes Because they have the same number of protons and electrons, the different isotopes of a single element have the ____________________________________ Some isotopes are associated with a release of radiation (their nuclei are unstable and break down). Radiation can ________________________ (cancer treatments).


16 Is water an element? Chemical formula is H 2 O- hydrogen and water. Type of substance called a _______________. A compound is a substance composed of ________ _______________________________.

17 Compounds A compound is a substance formed by the combination of two or more elements in ________________________________ Composition is determined by chemical formula H 2 O NaCl The smallest unit of a compound is a _______________________.

18 Bonds Combined substance are held together by bonds. ___________________: two substances that share electrons. Found in most organisms (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water). ____________________: the attractive force existing between two ions of opposite charge. (Na + and Cl - are attracted to form a neutral compound: NaCl. The ions have combined chemically.)

19 Van der Waals Forces Because electrons are moving quickly, there may be tiny _____________________ _______ charged areas on a large molecule. If shapes and charges of two molecules match, a slight attraction may develop- easily formed easily separated


21 2-2 Properties of Water

22 The Importance of Water Most life processes can occur only when molecules and ions are free to move and collide with one another- when they are ___________ _____________________ Water is an example of a __________________. + - - + --

23 Polar Molecules A polar molecule is a molecule with an _______ ____________________ of charge, so that the oxygen end is slightly positive and the hydrogen end is slightly negative. This makes it act like a ______________________. By being polar, water can attract and dissolve many _________ compounds. + --

24 Water molecules also attract each other- the plus side to the minus side. The they can form a weak covalent bond called a _______________. __________________________: attraction between molecules of the same substance. Water is very cohesive. __________________________: Attraction between different substances (think meniscus) Other molecules with hydrogen bonds are found in _________________ (an important fact!). - - - - + +

25 Solution A solution is a mixture in which one or more substances is _________________________ in another substance. The _______________ is dissolved into the __________________. Example: Kool-aid is a solute in water, or blood sugar.

26 Suspensions Some materials don’t break into individual molecules in water but into ________________ they don’t settle out. The __________________ keeps them suspended. Example: Milk Blood

27 Mixtures A mixture occurs when two substances are mixed but ____________________________. Example- sand and sugar.

28 Acids, Bases & pH H 2 O H + + OH - Water hydrogen + hydroxide ion ion

29 Acids & Bases Chemical reactions can only occur if conditions are right, including the pH of the environment. pH is a measure of how ________________________________a solution is. Acid: any substance that forms ____________________ in water HCl (H2O) H + + Cl - Base: any substance that forms ____________________ in water NaOH (H20) OH - + Na +

30 Acids & Bases Strong acids and bases can harm living tissue. ________________ keep the pH between 6.5 and 7.5 (homeostasis). Example: buffered aspirin (ASA)

31 The pH Scale Indicates concentration of ______________. Strong acids: ____________ Strong bases: ____________ Neutral pH = 7 ____________

32 2-3 Carbon Compounds Carbon has 4 electrons in outer energy level available to bond, so usually forms _________ _____________. C

33 Role of Carbon cont’d. Can bond with _____________________________ or with many other elements. When carbons bond to each other, can form _________ ____________________________________________ Rings or chains can have ______________________ in them as well. C C C OH N C C

34 Molecular Chains _____________________________ can contain up to 1000s of carbon atoms. Proteins in animals and starches in plants are examples of macromolecules in organisms.

35 Condensation & Hydrolysis ____________________________: molecules are bonded together by one losing an -H and the other an - OH (HOH - a water molecule!) ____________________________: the breaking apart of a molecule by adding water to it, giving an -H to one end and an -OH to the other.

36 Structure of Carbohydrates A _____________________________ is an organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen with a ratio of 2 hydrogens and 1 oxygen for every carbon. ___________________: simple sugar like glucose or fructose ___________________: a two-sugar carbohydrate ___________________: polymers composed of many monosaccharide units, like starch, cellulose, or glycogen.

37 Polysaccharides __________________________: highly branched chains of glucose used as food storage by plants __________________________: another, even more branched polymer of glucose used for food storage in animals __________________________: a glucose polymer that forms the cell wall of plants and gives plants structural support.

38 Proteins  A protein is a large, complex polymer composed of ____________________________________ _____________________________.  The basic building blocks of proteins are called _______________________________.  _____________ common amino acids  Linked by condensation and a covalent bond called a __________________________.  The __________________________________ of the amino acids determines the kind of protein.


40  Proteins are _____________________________.  Build __________________________ and carry out cell _______________________________.  Muscle contraction  Transporting oxygen in blood  Carrying out chemical reactions  Providing immunity  Enzymes


42 Lipids (Fats) Lipids are organic compounds that have a large proportion of C-H bonds and _________________________ than carbohydrates. Example: C 57 H 110 O 6 Commonly called ___________________________. They are insoluble in water because their molecules are ______________ and not attracted by water molecules. Used for long-term energy storage, insulation, and protective coatings. They are major components of cell membranes. fatty acid glycerol fatty acid fatty acid

43 Nucleic Acids  A nucleic acid is a complex macromolecule that stores information in cells in the form of a ______________.  Made of polymers of smaller subunits called _____________________________.  They consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus atoms arranges in three groups- _________________________________________________ Examples are DNA and RNA.

44 2-4 Chemical Reactions “You are what you eat.”

45 CH 4 + 2O 2 CO 2 + 2H 2 O ___________ ____________

46 Chemical Reactions In chemical reactions Bonds between atoms are ____________________ Substances ____________ into different substances Every cell in your body has chemical reactions going on inside it.

47 Metabolism Metabolism is all of the ____________________ that take place in an organism. These reactions break down and build molecules that are important for the functioning of organisms. Chemical reactions are represented by chemical __________________________.

48 Enzymes  An enzyme is a ___________________ that speeds up a chemical reaction by lowering the _________________________________.  Might not occur at all without it.  Allow temperature to be ________________ or environment to be less acidic, for example.  Found in _______________________, synthesis of molecules, and ____________________________ ____________________________.


50 Regulation of Enzymes Enzymes are effective within a narrow range of _______________________________________ Cells have specialized proteins that turn enzymes _____________________________

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