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Brainstorming makes it easier to write interesting stories…

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2 Brainstorming makes it easier to write interesting stories…

3 Decide which topic you’re doing Make individual Points Eg. The magic umbrella was Samantha’s favourite toy… Expand under your point… Eg. Giving a reason why Samantha’s favourite toy was a magic umbrella

4 You can also use objects you can handle or even observe animals (like your pet dog) or watch the expression on someone’s face

5 First Draft – In the Beginning… Just let it flow as you go – Fiction (that is writing which is make-believe or made up) Remember Full Sentences

6 Creatively Look over a FIRST DRAFT… Review what you’ve written Decide whether there is anything in it you would like to change If non-fiction it would be a good idea to check with your teacher at this point

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