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Industrialization of Russia and Japan Chapter 27.

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1 Industrialization of Russia and Japan Chapter 27

2 I. Introduction Russia and Japan lagged behind most of Europe Russia gained ground due to large population Japan gained ground due to ability to imitate while maintaining identity

3 II. Russia Became concerned with lack of industrialization Napoleon’s invasion Wealth of other nations Reforms, Revolts and Industrialization Russian serfs complain about inequality Full freedom or “freedom” while keeping traditions? Decembrist Uprising Army officers Nicholas I becomes more repressive

4 II. Russia Crimean War 1854-1856 Wanted to expanded into Poland and Ottoman Empire British and France were concerned with Russia becoming too powerful Help Ottoman Empire to defeat Russia British concerned with losing trade advantage in India Russia was at a large industrial disadvantage Encouraged Alexander II that the military needed reforms

5 II. Russia Reforms Emancipation of the Serfs Serfs got most of the land (best for aristocracy) Tied to villages until redemption payments made Kept them poor and repressed Created larger urban labor force Peasant uprisings Political changes Zemstvoes- local rulers: roads, schools and local issues Military- merit not birth Social Increased literacy, more lenient social standards

6 II. Russia Industrialization Guided by the state Trans-Siberian Railroad- Stimulated coal and iron production Used to export grain Count Sergei Witte Finance minister High tariffs Improved banking Foreign investors to boost production- ½ of industry foreign owned Russia became greatly indebted to British, German and French

7 II. Russia Industrialization continued Top 5 in Steel, oil and textiles due to size Illiterate peasants did not improve agriculture No middle class All state sponsored and regulated Can’t make money (and people don’t like that!)

8 II. Russia Revolutions and Uprisings Initially, mostly peasants Redemption pay and famines Intelligentsia Radical intellectuals TerroristAnarchist Industrialize without materialism Alexander II assassinated Censorship and resistance to reform Minorities repressed Jewish pogroms

9 II. Russia Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov AKA Vladimir Lenin Modified Marxism for Russia Didn’t need middle-class Formed the Bolsheviks Majority that wasn’t a majority Encouraged revolt of working class Poor working conditions

10 II. Russia Revolution of 1905 Expansion rather than fixing problems Helped create Slavic Nations Serbia and Bulgaria Promised to protect them (WWI) Result of Russo-Japanese War Fought over Korea Japan attacked without declaring war war Russia had a hard time mobilizing

11 II. Russia Revolution of 1905 Results Peasants revolted Workers went on strike Police repression To help stop revolt, the Duma was formed A national parliament Stolypin Reforms Peasants gained freedom from redemption payments Freedom to buy/sell land Kulaks – rich land owners that improved agriculture ($$$) Eventually government represses the people again

12 III. Japan Japan became more nationalistic Terakoya schools Confucianism, reading and Japanese culture For commoners Dutch Studies Focus on Dutch language (trade in Nagasaki) Studies Dutch medicine once foreign literature ban was lifted

13 III. Japan Commodore Matthew Perry (1853) Took a number of American steamships to Edo Bay to force the Japanese to open for trade with US 1854 2 nd visit to Japan to force them to allow a US consul in its borders. Kept Americans under American law and not Japanese Forced Japan out of isolationism Emperor no longer isolated Samurai retaliate by attacking foreigners Ended with Meiji movement that put Emperor Mutsuhito on the throne- promoted reforms

14 III. Japan Meiji Reforms Abolished feudalism and Samurai Became poor and revolted in 1877 Emperor used conscripted troops with European weapons Influenced “Last Samurai” Expanded bureaucracy with Civil Service Exams Formed Diet as a form of parliament Passed laws and budgets 5% of men could vote Emperor controlled military

15 III. Japan Japanese Industrialization Had to import raw materials Education based to train loyal workers Government controlled and censored Westernization Styles and medicine Yet kept Shintoism and did not convert to Christianity Family values Militarization 1 st Sino-Japanese War 1894-1895 Result of need for resources Russo-Japanese War

16 IV. Conclusion Yellow Peril Asian colonization Russia’s influence in Eastern Europe influences WWI

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