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April 13, 2005MVECA Yearend Reporting Session 1 FY2005 Yearend Training Stacy Hurtt & Angie Crandall.

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Presentation on theme: "April 13, 2005MVECA Yearend Reporting Session 1 FY2005 Yearend Training Stacy Hurtt & Angie Crandall."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 13, 2005MVECA Yearend Reporting Session 1 FY2005 Yearend Training Stacy Hurtt & Angie Crandall

2 April 13, 2005MVECA Yearend Reporting Session 2 Key Dates For Yearend Reporting

3 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session3 April 13, 2005 EMIS FY2005 Yearend Processing –Key Dates 4/22/2005 - First processing of EMIS Staff data for Period N.  There are 15 opportunities to verify staff data. 5/20/2005 - First processing of EMIS Student data for Period N  There are 11 opportunities to verify student data. 7/29/2005 - Last processing of all Period N data.

4 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session4 April 13, 2005 EMIS Accountability Deadlines 6/10/2005 – Beginning of 45-day data accountability corrective action cycle.  Submission of incomplete or inaccurate data for Period N triggers an official out of compliance letter to be mailed on 6/14/2005 with guidance as to corrective action. 7/29/2005 - End of the 45-day data accountability corrective action cycle.  Funds withheld from any district determined out of compliance for this reporting period are forfeited by this date if corrective action has not been taken.

5 April 13, 2005MVECA Yearend Reporting Session 5 Student Data – How It Works For Yearend Reporting

6 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session6 April 13, 2005 Process for Reporting Student Data in EMIS at Yearend Student Information System (SIS) Education Management Information System EMIS Student Data Loaded into EMIS using REMIS Student files submitte d to ODE AGG Reports Run Aggregations ODE/EMIS Data Verification Reports ODE processes data REMIS Reports

7 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session7 April 13, 2005 1. Student Data Are Entered into SIS SIS data are critical What you enter into SIS is the basis for:  Funding  Accountability  Data for policy-makers Student Information System (SIS)

8 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session8 April 13, 2005 2. Student Data Are Extracted from SIS and Loaded into EMIS Which data are extracted via REMIS?  Demographics Using UNCLEMIS  Attendance Using ATTUPDEMIS  Course Information Using CTRMEMIS, CLISEMIS, COHIEMIS - grades 9 - 12 only  Discipline Using DISCEMIS  Program codes Using MEMBEMIS Student data are extracted from SIS using REMIS

9 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session9 April 13, 2005 Which REMIS programs can be run more than once? UNCLEMIS can be run as many times as needed until clean. The Status/Attendance Code Combination Table is a tool for determining the most appropriate coding combination to use in the STUD Status and ATT fields.  UNCLEMIS will assign the Status and Attending/Home IRN Indicator in EMIS based on the combination of the Status/Attendance code in STUD.

10 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session10 April 13, 2005 Which REMIS programs can be run more than once? (cont’d) ATTUPDEMIS can be run multiple times in VERIFY mode at the building level.  VERIFY mode DOES NOT update to EMIS, but only produces report to use in verifying accuracy of data in SIS.  UPDATE mode only updates to EMIS and typically run by EMIS Coordinator)  ***If ATTUPDEMIS is run in UPDATE mode at the district level, DA site intervention is needed before Re-running in UPDATE mode.***  It is important for districts/buildings to check accuracy as needed in VERIFY mode before running in UPDATE mode.

11 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session11 April 13, 2005 Which REMIS programs can be run more than once? (cont’d) CTRMEMIS can be run multiple times, usually only run once, AND MUST BE RUN BEFORE CLISEMIS OR COHIEMIS. Copying 05K data to LIVE is not recommended. CLISEMIS can be run multiple times.  Verifying the accuracy of data prior to running for the first time can lessen the need to re-run.

12 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session12 April 13, 2005 Which REMIS programs can be run more than once? (cont’d) MEMBEMIS  If a program code is removed/deleted from SIS, it must also be manually deleted from EMIS. MEMBEMIS will add to EMIS, but will not delete. Likewise, it will not overwrite.

13 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session13 April 13, 2005 Which REMIS programs can be run more than once? (cont’d) COHIEMIS  Before COHIEMIS is processed, high schools need to run B118 to update the SIS COHI file. Once B118 completed, buildings can proceed with COHIEMIS as last step in updating course information  Programs should be run in the following order: Step 1 – Run CTRMEMIS, Step 2 – Run CLISEMIS, Step 3 – Run COHIEMIS (for high schools only).

14 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session14 April 13, 2005 Which REMIS programs can be run more than once? (cont’d) DISCEMIS can be run in VERIFY mode multiple times at the building level.  Can be rerun in UPDATE mode by answering Y to the "ERASE" prompt.  It is recommended that DISCEMIS is rerun ONLY if manual modifications have not already made in LIVE, because these will be erased.

15 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session15 April 13, 2005 3. REMIS reports are generated REMIS reports show any errors that occurred when loading data into EMIS. Review these reports to learn which data need to be corrected. These programs help to check the accuracy of your data. UNCLEMIS.TXT is the most used REMIS error report.  This is the ONLY REMIS report that is run again and again. REMIS Reports


17 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session17 April 13, 2005 Quality at the Source It is easier and more efficient to enter data accurately, than to go back to identify and correct errors. This will save time in the long run.

18 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session18 April 13, 2005 4. Student Data Are Loaded into EMIS Education Management Information System EMIS EMSUDMStudent Demographic (Screen 1) EMSUDMStudent Attendance (Screen 2) EMSUDMStudent Attendance (Screen 3) EMSSUBStudent Subject Record by individual student EMSCLASSStudent Subject Records by Class EMSPGMStudent Program Codes EMSDISStudent Discipline Data EMSGIFStudent Gifted Record EMSFCLStaff Class Master Record EMIS screens

19 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session19 April 13, 2005 5. Run Aggregations We have not received the aggregation release yet for Yearend N. We will send notification via e-mail once the release is loaded. We suggest that that's when the process should begin in earnest! Run Aggregations

20 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session20 April 13, 2005 6. Generate Aggregations Reports There are several aggregation reports that can be used to verify data prior to submission to ODE. AGG Reports

21 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session21 April 13, 2005 Review Aggregations Reports EMSAGG5.TXT A report of errors which prevented either a student, program or course from being included in an aggregation. EMSAGG6.TXT Lists the students who are excluded from aggregations due to an error or because they are not an enrolled student. STU_AH.TXT Student Attending/Residing in another DistrictStudent Attending/Residing in another District – Helps resolve conflicts between districts about student data. EMSREP6.TXT A list of students in each class by classroom code. EMSRT5.TXT Student counts by classroom code within each building.

22 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session22 April 13, 2005 7. EMIS Data Submitted to ODE Remember to fax signed data submission form to MVECA AND notify us via email to HDESK once you are ready to begin submitting your data to ODE. Student files submitted to ODE

23 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session23 April 13, 2005 8. ODE Processes Data ODE receives EMIS files. EMIS files are converted for ODE to use in generating reports and storing data. ODE processes data

24 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session24 April 13, 2005 9. ODE Generates ODE/EMIS Data Verification Reports Similar to October, some ODE reports will be generated early in the week after submitting. There may be a delay in getting LRC and Accountability workbooks from ODE.  These take longer to produce.  These undergo extensive quality assurance, which takes time.  These reports can be released as late as the end of the week. NOTE: Reports may even be released after you have already submitted data for the next week. ODE/EMIS Data Verification Reports

25 April 13, 2005MVECA Yearend Reporting Session 25 Review of Building Checklist For Yearend Reporting

26 April 13, 2005MVECA Yearend Reporting Session 26 Discipline Data For Yearend Reporting

27 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session27 April 13, 2005 Persistently Dangerous Schools A school will be designated persistently dangerous based upon the following data: 1. The number of adjudicated violent criminal offenses occurring on school grounds OR 2. The number of weapon-related incidents in a school that resulted in removal from school. The threshold and criteria for identifying persistently dangerous schools can be found at Safe_School_Policy_Key_Features.asp For 2004-05, these data will be reported via EMIS during Yearend reporting!

28 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session28 April 13, 2005 Identifying Persistently Dangerous Schools TWO sources of EMIS data used to determine whether or not a school is “persistently dangerous” are: 1. Offenses on School Grounds During the Current School Year This element is on the Yearend BUILDING GENERAL INFORMATION RECORD Report the total number of students who have been arrested for committing a violent criminal offense (as defined in ORC 2901.01(9)(a))* on school grounds while enrolled in the school building during the current school year. 2. The number of weapon-related incidents in the school that resulted in student removal from school as reported on the Student Discipline Record.

29 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session29 April 13, 2005 Reporting Discipline Data The Student Discipline Record is a BUILDING-LEVEL record.  This means that data are to be reported by the building that administers the discipline. School grounds/property includes:  the school building and immediate grounds,  school transportation (e.g., buses),  designated school bus stops,  school sponsored activities such as field trips and sporting events,  stadiums/gymnasiums, and  other facilities and any setting under the control and supervision of the school district. NOTE: District Boards of Education may, at their discretion, use a different, more expansive definition.

30 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session30 April 13, 2005 Type of Discipline This is the type of discipline administered to the student. (e.g. expulsion, suspension) Only report the final determination of the type of discipline for the specific incident  So if student is suspended, but then is eventually expelled for the SAME incident, then the Type of Discipline should be “expulsion”.  Only ONE type of discipline is reported per incident.

31 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session31 April 13, 2005 Discipline Reasons Gun-Free Schools Act requires that a student be expelled IF s/he either:  Possesses a firearm Discipline Reason = “06 - use, possession, sale or distribution of a firearm”, OR  Possesses an explosive, incendiary or poison gas Discipline Reason = 08 - use, possession, sale or distribution of an explosive, incendiary or poison gas  NOTE: The expulsion MUST be reported even if the expulsion is modified, OR the student is referred for alternate educational services.

32 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session32 April 13, 2005 New element "Discipline Sequence Number" This element is used ONLY if two separate incidents occur for the same student, with the same discipline type, on the same date, but at different times during the day and are TWO separate incidents. Most often, this element will be reported with “1”, but might be “2” or higher if:  For example: A student is suspended twice on the same date, due to TWO separate discipline incidents – e.g. one occurred in the morning and one occurred in the afternoon.

33 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session33 April 13, 2005 NEW Discipline Reasons for FY2005 18 = Disobedient/Disruptive Behavior (Replaces “02 Behavioral Problems”) 19 = Harassment/Intimidation 20 = Firearm look-a-likes 21 = Unwelcome Sexual Conduct

34 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session34 April 13, 2005 Discipline Reasons NO longer used in FY2005 The following discipline reasons should NOT be used in FY2005:  02 = Behavioral Problems  12 = Sale/Distribution of weapons  13 = Sale/Distribution of alcohol  17 = Sale/Distribution of other drugs

35 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session35 April 13, 2005 Definitions clarified in “Discipline Reasons” for FY2005 EXAMPLE: Reason “06” includes a definition of a firearm.  06 = Use, possession, sale or distribution of a firearm A firearm is any weapon which will, is designed to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or any machine gun. This includes zip guns, starter guns, and flare guns. Firearm look-a-likes should not be reported with this option.

36 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session36 April 13, 2005 Element “Discipline modified on Case-by-Case Basis” This element is ONLY reported with “Y/N” when: 1. Type of Discipline = 1 - Expulsion AND 2.Discipline Reason =  06 – Use, possession, sale or distribution of a firearm OR  08 - Use, possession, sale or distribution of any explosive, incendiary or poison gas NOTE: IF Type of Discipline = 2-7 AND Discipline Reason is NOT = 06 or 08, then report “* - Not applicable in this element.

37 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session37 April 13, 2005 Element “Referred for Alternate Educational Services” This element is ONLY reported with “Y/N” when: 1. Type of Discipline = 1 - Expulsion AND 2.Discipline Reason =  06 – Use, possession, sale or distribution of a firearm OR  08 - Use, possession, sale or distribution of any explosive, incendiary or poison gas AND 3.Discipline Modified on a Case-by-Case Basis = Y (Yes) NOTE: IF the element Discipline Modified on a Case-by-Case Basis = “N” or “*”, then report “* - Not applicable” in this element.

38 April 13, 2005MVECA Yearend Reporting Session 38 Reporting the Early Childhood Record For Yearend Reporting

39 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session39 April 13, 2005 Early Childhood Record The Early Childhood Record is only required to be reported for:  Preschool students enrolled in a center-based classroom whose education is supported using state funds AND  For typically developing peer role models in state-funded public preschool units, regardless of fund source supporting that student's education.  Preschool Students whose education is paid for with federal funds (such as Title I preschools students or Special Education Part-B IDEA Federal Grant Funds) that the district reports in EMIS (these students would be reported with the “L” option in the Preschool Student Education Fund Source element.  Preschool students whose education is paid for with funds other than state funds (tuition, local) that the district has chosen to report to EMIS.

40 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session40 April 13, 2005 Identifying Preschool Students Preschool Student Education Fund Source (Formerly called “Type of Preschool Student”)  Indicates the source of STATE funds used to support the student’s education.

41 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session41 April 13, 2005 Preschool Students in Special Education Units Definition of option “Student enrolled in a state-funded preschool special education unit AND counted toward the minimum FTE for a center-based preschool special education teacher unit”  Preschool special education funding is flowed based upon staff FTE and a minimum/maximum student FTE. Students who are typically developing peer role models enrolled in a center-based preschool special education unit, only count toward the maximum FTE for that unit. The education of these students is NOT considered to be paid for with unit funding. The fund source for those students could be state-funded public preschool program grant funds, or other funds, including local, tuition, or other federal funds.

42 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session42 April 13, 2005 Examples of Students included in Preschool Special Education Units Minimum – 6 student FTE Students with PS Disabilities Maximum 1212 Typically developing peers can only count toward the maximum.

43 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session43 April 13, 2005 Requirements for Reporting the Early Childhood Record at Yearend During the Yearend N reporting period, in order for a district to be able to submit an Early Childhood Record to ODE:  The student must be enrolled during the month of May (at least one or more days), AND;  The student must be in grade level PS or KG (if the student is a kindergarten student with a preschool disability condition receiving preschool services.)

44 April 13, 2005MVECA Yearend Reporting Session 44 Yearend Building Record FY2005 Yearend Reporting

45 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session45 April 13, 2005 Yearend Building Record – new elements The following elements have been added to the Yearend Building Record, to collect "hours per day“.  Hours Per Day Scheduled – Grades 1-8  Hours Per Day Scheduled – Grades 9-12  Hours Per Day Scheduled – Half Day Kindergarten  Hours Per Day Scheduled – Alternate Day Full Day Kindergarten  Hours Per Day Scheduled – Every Day Full Day kindergarten These data will be used to calculate attendance for schools that open after the first full week of October, in case October data are not reported for that building IRN.

46 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session46 April 13, 2005 Yearend Building Record – Identifying Title I Buildings Title I buildings are identified using data in the CCIP.  Title I buildings used to be identified by an element reported in EMIS prior to FY2005. "Title I building program type" is no longer used in FY2005. The element “Extended Learning Time Instruction Program (Title I)” answers the question “Does your building house an extended learning time instruction program funded by Title I?”  This element must be reported with “Y” or “N” if the building is funded by Title I funds (as indicated in the CCIP.)  If the building is NOT a Title I building, report “* - Not applicable”.

47 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session47 April 13, 2005 Feeder School IRN For FY2005, the feeder school IRN will be used to assign the AYP status for schools without tested grades that are evaluated for AYP. Schools with out tested grade levels evaluated for AYP will be given the same AYP and School Improvement Status as the Building IRN reported in the feeder school element on the Yearend Building Record. A feeder school is defined as “the primary school into which the majority of students will enroll after they complete all grade levels in the current attending school.” Each school is required to enter a feeder school IRN whether or not it will be used for AYP linkages.

48 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session48 April 13, 2005 Feeder School IRN (cont’d) If the building into which the majority of students will attend the following year ALSO has no AYP tested grade levels, report the IRN of the next building into which the majority of students will attend that has AYP tested grade levels.  EXAMPLE: Let’s say “Building A has grades K-1, Building B has grade 2, and Building C has grades 3-5. Both Building A and Building B would report the IRN of Building C in the Feeder School IRN element.

49 MVECA Yearend Reporting Session49 April 13, 2005 Feeder School IRN (cont’d) ESCs, Community Schools, JVSDs can report “******” for this element. Schools with students enrolled in grade 12 ONLY should report “******” (because these students do not enroll in any building after they complete all grade levels in the current school – they would either graduate, be retained, or leave school.)

50 April 13, 2005MVECA Yearend Reporting Session 50 Questions? FY2005 Yearend Reporting

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