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Schools Module Additional Information Press F5 to maximise this presentation.

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1 Schools Module Additional Information Press F5 to maximise this presentation

2 The Configuration form enables the setting up of the schools module, and should be used with caution.

3 A number of ‘Job Types’ or ‘Job Groups’ need to be selected for use in other forms or reports. Each list of Job Types and Job Groups is unique to each Education Team and so they need to be configured. Once selected the ‘Licenced/Fixed Term Jobs’ needs to be edited too.

4 The list of jobs on the right are those which have a fixed term and so will need to appear on the ‘Renew Governors’ form. To add jobs to this list double click the job from the left hand box. This list is not restricted to the many different types of Governors. The form is also used in the People Database for renewing posts such as licences to minister in the diocese. They will only display on the ‘Renew Governors’ form if the active user also has permission to edit the post too.

5 The drop downs in the Schools Details form are all populated from lists. To amend the data in those lists select the list to change here, and then click Edit.

6 Change the contents of the Text column to the text required. New rows can be added. Be careful if deleting rows, in case there are already records which use that data. If you are unsure, contact support.

7 The list of schools is maintained in the Schools Module, however they are maintained in the main People Database along with other parishes and churches. This is in the ‘People Database’- >’Parishes’->’Area Management’ The AltRef fields can be used to store codes to link the Schools module data to accounts or other diocesan systems. The Additional Fields can be used to store information that is not catered for in the rest of the module. Please contact support before using them because if there is functionality missing from the schools module we will be happy to add it for you.

8 The list of types of ‘Service Agreement’ is maintained in the ‘Config’ form.

9 The ‘Use School Addresses’ tick box overwrites the school address for each officer in the export.

10 This is the end of the tutorial. Please contact support if you feel anything requires further explanation.

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