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Based on Common Core.  South Carolina will discontinue PASS testing in the year 2013-14. This will be a bridge year for common core and state standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Based on Common Core.  South Carolina will discontinue PASS testing in the year 2013-14. This will be a bridge year for common core and state standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Based on Common Core

2  South Carolina will discontinue PASS testing in the year 2013-14. This will be a bridge year for common core and state standards  In the year 2014-15, SC will use a CAT test created by Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Click photo for link to Smarter


4  Adaptive (CAT)  Not limited to Multiple Choice  Short and long constructed response items that students will type. (will be machine scored)  Fast feedback and turnaround time

5  Students will have an end of year performance task.  May take several class periods  Will be scored by 3 trained teachers and averaged into summative score  The combination score should indicate students reasoning and analysis abilities

6 For Common Core and Smarter Balanced Assessment

7  Accurate  Timely  Specific  Engaging  Accountable Effective Assessment video

8  TEST ITEMS  Based on current standard  Have one correct answer  Can be lower level or higher level (knowledge or evaluation)  Can be multiple formats: Multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, open response, essay  Think Quiz  PERFORMANCE TASKS  Based on multiple standards  Can have a variety of different answers and responses  Require higher levels of thinking using reasoning, problem solving, analysis, synthesis, etc.  Usually result in a unique student created product  Think Project

9  SBAC uses multiple formats for test items:  Selected Response  Constructed Response  Extended response  Technology enhanced Click picture for presentation with examples of each type



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