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AP Biology Review Chapters 7 & 8. Q What part of the cell membrane enables the membrane to remain liquidy?

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Presentation on theme: "AP Biology Review Chapters 7 & 8. Q What part of the cell membrane enables the membrane to remain liquidy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Biology Review Chapters 7 & 8

2 Q What part of the cell membrane enables the membrane to remain liquidy?

3 A Cholesterol

4 Q Which of the following molecules pass through the cell membrane easily? A. Small hydrophobic molecules B. Large and hydrophobic molecules C. Polar molecules

5 A Small hydrophobic molecules

6 Q Which type of proteins in the cell membrane are considered transmembrane proteins, because they go through the membrane.

7 A Integral Proteins

8 Q What is the function of the aquaporins in the cell membrane?

9 A Allows water to pass through easily

10 Q Which type of proteins of the cell membrane are NOT embedded?

11 A Peripheral proteins

12 Q What is the function of glycoproteins and glycolipids in the cell membrane?

13 A Cell-Cell recognition

14 Q 10% potassium chloride is _______ to 10% potassium chloride. A.Hypertonic B.Hypotonic C.Isotonic

15 A Isotonic

16 Q Cells that live in a hypertonic solution are always fighting dehydration (the loss of water). True False

17 True

18 Q Facilitated diffusion is a form of active transport? True False

19 A False-Passive transport

20 Q Active transport allows a cell to move molecules from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration True False

21 A True

22 Q Name the 3 types of Passive transport & explain the types of molecules that they transport.

23 Osmosis Diffusion (Simple) Diffusion (Facilitated)

24 Q Name this structure & show the hydrophillic and hydrophobic regions

25 A

26 Q Name 2 differences between Active & Passive Transport

27 A Active – Uses Energy from cell – Allows larger molecules to pass through Passive – No Energy required – Small molecules and water can pass through

28 Q _______________ is the movement of materials from a higher to a lower concentration

29 A Passive transport

30 Q The diagram below shows what cell process?

31 A Exocytosis

32 Q The diagram below is composed of __________________.

33 A Phospholipids

34 Q Describe Endocytosis, name the 2 types of Endocytosis & explain the differences.

35 A Endocytosis- – Active transport – Materials are engulfed into cell – 2 types Pinocytosis-Ingests liquids Phagocytosis- Ingests solids

36 Q _______________ transport is the movement of materials from lower concentration to higher concentration as in the processes of phagocytosis and pinocytosis.

37 A Active transport is the movement of materials from lower concentration to higher concentration as in the processes of phagocytosis and pinocytosis.

38 Q Which cellular process is illustrated in the diagram below? The material is a liquid

39 A Pinocytosis-Type of Endocytosis

40 Q The diagram represents a cell in water. Formulas of molecules that can move freely across the membrane are shown. Some molecules are located inside the cell and others are in the water outside the cell. Based on the diagram of molecules below, what would most likely happen to these molecules after a few hours?

41 A The concentration of CO2 will increase outside the cell

42 Q The cell or plasma membrane is composed chiefly of two layers of ______________ with globular ______________ floating in these layers

43 A The cell or plasma membrane is composed chiefly of two layers of lipids with globular proteins floating in these layers

44 Q Describe Turgor Pressure

45 A Pressure in plant cells from cell membrane exerting pressure on cell wall

46 Q What is the function of structure E?

47 Supports cell membrane

48 Q Identify structure D

49 Phospholipid bilayer

50 Q Identify Structure A

51 Glycoprotein

52 Q Which of these cannot pass directly through the phospholipids of the plasma membrane?

53 C-Glucose

54 Q You know that this cell is in a(n) _____ solution because the cell _____.

55 Hypotonic solution- Water goes into cell

56 Q Structure B is a _____.

57 Transport Protein

58 Q Endocytosis moves materials _____ a cell via _____.

59 Into cell- via vessicles

60 Q A white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is an example of _____.

61 A Endocytosis

62 Q Describe the differences between Anabolic and Catbolic Rxns. Provide an example of each.

63 Anabolic- – Builds materials – Ex. Building polymers Catabolic – Breaks down materials – Ex. Breaking down polymers into monomers

64 Q Describe the differences between Exergonic and Endergonic Rxns. Provide an example of each.

65 Exergonic- – Release Energy – Cellular Respiration Endergonic- – Absorb energy – Photosyntheis

66 Describe the 1 st and 2 nd Laws of Thermondynamics.


68 Q When energy is transformed, what effect doe that have on Entropy of the universe?

69 A Increases Entropy

70 Define Enthalpy, Entropy, and Free energy change


72 Q Every chemical reaction increases the entropy of the universe True False

73 A True

74 Q Does hydrolysis increase or decrease entropy within a cell?

75 A Increase

76 Q Does dehydration reactions increase or decrease entropy within a cell?

77 A Decrease

78 Q Do organic compounds (such as Carbohydrates) contain Potential or kinetic energy?

79 A Potential (chemical energy) – Stored

80 Q Give an example of an open and a closed system. Are organisms open or closed systems?

81 A Open- exchanges with environment Closed- does not exchange with environment Organisms are Open systems

82 Q What is the change in free energy of a system at chemical equilibrium?

83 A No net change

84 Q What happens to free energy as monomers form bonds to create polymers?

85 Increases

86 Q Which type of reaction has a positive G? Endergonic Exergonic

87 A Endergonic

88 Q What term is used to describe the transfer of free energy from Catabolic to Anabolic pathways?

89 A Energy Coupling

90 Q What happens to the Phosphate that is lost when ATP is converted to ADP? What is the process called?

91 A It is added to another molecule and activates that molecule. Phosphorylation

92 Q Name the 3 parts of an ATP molecule

93 A Adenine-nitrogenous base 3 Phosphates Ribose-Sugar

94 Q What suffix is often used to name enzymes?

95 “ase”

96 Q How do enzymes affect the rate of reactions?

97 A Catlyze – speed up

98 Q Where and what is the active site?

99 A Region on enzyme that binds to substrate

100 Q What is the induced fit?

101 A Binding of substrate changes shape of enzyme’s active site.

102 Q What is one way to combat against competitive inhibition of enzymes?

103 A Increase substrate concentration

104 Q How do enzymes affect activation energy?

105 They lower activation energy

106 Q Explain the difference between competitive and non- competetive inhibition.

107 A Competitive- binds to active site Non- competetive inhibition-binds to other part of enzyme

108 Q What is the relationship between free energy and spontaneous reactions?

109 It decreases (- G)

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