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Copy down the following list. This is a memory device for the 8 levels of classification Donkey Kong Puts Children On Flying Giant Squirrels (1) Donkey.

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Presentation on theme: "Copy down the following list. This is a memory device for the 8 levels of classification Donkey Kong Puts Children On Flying Giant Squirrels (1) Donkey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copy down the following list. This is a memory device for the 8 levels of classification Donkey Kong Puts Children On Flying Giant Squirrels (1) Donkey (Domain) (2) Kong (Kingdom) (3) Puts (Phylum) (4) Children (Class) (5) On (Order) (6) Flying (Family) (7) Giant (Genus) (8) Squirrels (Species) Science Bell Work SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys Donkey Kong Instructions 1) First click on "View" from the top-menu bar. 2) Then click on "Slide Show" from the drop-down menu. 3) Then use the right-arrow button on your keyboard to advance through this presentation.

2 Tennessee SPI Objective: Use a simple classification key to identify an unknown organism. Notes Science Essential Learning Students will identify unknown organisms using classification keys. Essential Question How do I interpret and use the information in a classification key to identify an unknown organism ? SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys

3 What is taxonomy ?  Taxonomy is the science of defining and naming organisms. Notes SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys Science Tennessee GLE Objective: Identify various criteria used to classify organisms into groups (Discuss) Tennessee Check for Understanding: Select characteristics of plants and animals that serve as the basis for developing a classification key (Discuss)  Organisms are classified according to similar physical and genetic characteristics.

4 Modern Taxonomy:  8 level system of classification Categories go from broad to narrow 1) Domain 2) Kingdom 3) Phylum 4) Class 5) Order 6) Family 7) Genus 8) Species Notes Science SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys

5 8-level classification system Similar Example: Where is Rock Springs Middle School? 1) The Universe 2) Milky Way Galaxy 3) Planet Earth 4) Northern Hemisphere 5) North America 6) The United States of America 7) Tennessee 8) Smyrna Science Notes SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys

6 Classification Criteria Notes SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys Science  In taxonomy organisms are classified according to similar physical and genetic characteristics. Example 01: At the Domain level -organisms are classified according to whether or not their cell(s) contains a nucleus. Prokaryotic Cell (no nucleus) Eukaryotic Cell (has a nucleus)

7 Classification Criteria Notes SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys Science  In taxonomy organisms are classified according to similar physical and genetic characteristics. Example 02: At the Class level -organisms are grouped according to similar physical characteristics. Classes of Animals

8  Around 1735 Carolus Linnaeus created a system of naming organisms called binomial nomenclature Notes SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys What is binomial nomenclature?  It is a two part naming method  Uses the last 2 classification levels (Genus and Species) to name an organism Science Example: Human Beings Genus: Homo Species: Sapiens

9 Example: Human Beings (Homo Sapiens) 1) Domain: Eukarya 2) Kingdom: Animalia 3) Phylum: Chordata 4) Class: Mammalia 5) Order: Primates 6) Family: Hominoidia 7) Genus: Homo 8-level classification system 8) Species: Sapiens Science Notes SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys Binomial Nomeclature  2 part naming system 1st part 2nd part

10 Classification Keys There are different types of classification keys. Here is one example you might see on a quiz or test. Notes SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys Science

11 Classification Keys There are different types of classification keys. Here is another example you might see on a quiz or test. Notes SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys Science

12 Classification Keys There are different types of classification keys. Here is another example you might see on a quiz or test. Notes SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys Science

13 What is a dichotomous key? It is series of paired questions which help you identify an organism. Classification Keys There are different types of classification keys, but now we will focus on dichotomous keys. Notes SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys Science Video Link: Dichotomous Key TutorialDichotomous Key Tutorial Example: (for identifying species of bears) 1a. It has white fur------------------species: Ursus maritimus 1b. It does not have white fur-----Go to step two 2a. It has brown fur-----------------species: Ursus arctos 2b. It doe not have brown fur-----Go to step three 3a. It has black fur------------------species: Ursus americanus 3b. It doe not have black fur-------Done

14 After reviewing the following you will make a dichotomous key Here is an example using four dinosaurs Classification Key Activity (A.K.A: Dichotomous Key) Activity SPI 0807.5.1 Classificatio n Keys Science 2A. It walks on two legs B. It does not walk on 2 legs It is a T.Rex Go to step 3 A. It has wings B. It does not have wings Dinosaur Dichotomous Key 1 Steps It is a Pterodactyl Go to step 2 3A. It has a long neck B. Does not have a long neck It is a Apatosaurus Go to step 4 4A. It has spikes on its back B. Does not have spikes It is a Stegosaurus Done T.Rex Apatosaurus Stegosaurus Pterodactyl

15 Activity Velociraptor Pterodactyl Spinoaurus Ankylosaurus Apatosaurus T.Rex Stegosaurus Activity Make a dichotomous key about these 7 organisms

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