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Presentation for Primary Care Partnership – 23/10/12 KDSF.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation for Primary Care Partnership – 23/10/12 KDSF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation for Primary Care Partnership – 23/10/12 KDSF

2  Founded 1 st July 2006  Not For Profit Organisation  In our community & for our community  Person Centred Approach  Over 960% growth in six years KDSF

3  Around 100 people supported  Approximately 110 staff employed  Majority are part time & casual Disability Support Professionals based in the community KDSF

4  Individual Support ◦ In Home Support ◦ Respite ◦ Individual Day Programs ◦ TAC, DHS, other community agencies, fee for service  Social Group KDSF

5  Aim to develop person centred approach, not just a plan  Attitude is more important than qualifications  Be willing to believe the person is the expert on their life  Be prepared for flux & change! KDSF

6 If we provide person centred services, then we need our staff to understand it. What does it mean to be PERSON CENTRED? 6 KDSF

7  Discovering & acting on what is important to a person  Designing & delivering services & supports based on what is important to a person 7 KDSF

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10 10 KDSF

11  We ask our staff to think about: ◦ If someone told us what our needs were -what would we do? ◦ If however, someone asked what do you want, what are your dreams - would you say something different? ◦ These are the questions we ask to set our own personal goals – why not the people we work with? 11 KDSF

12 Self Esteem Love, Acceptance & Belonging Security Survival (Food, clothes, shelter) 12 Self Actualisation How many of these do the people we support have: Interesting job, self regulation, knowledge of one’s contribution, opportunity to be creative Job title, authority, responsibility, status symbols, promotion, praise Companionship, group work, social activities, union Money, work environment, sick leave, super, OH&S Money, physical working conditions Order & Beauty

13  Each of us want lives where we are supported by & contribute to our communities - Michael Smull, May 1996 13 Have our own dreams & journeys Have opportunities to meet new people, try new things, change jobs, change who we live with &where we live Have what / who is important to us in everyday life; people to be with, things to do, places to be Stay healthy and safe (on our own terms) KDSF

14  What needs are being met for the people we support? ◦ Are they perceived needs or are they what the person wants and desires? 14 KDSF

15 Being person centred requires a number of things: 1. A commitment to understanding the person.  This is about developing relationships with people & about continuously learning. We learn the most important things by really listening to the people we work with. 2.Look for the possibilities & bring out the best in people.  This requires flexibility & innovation. ◦ Person centredness is about people vs. clients; lifestyle vs. needs; dreams vs. programs. 15 KDSF

16 3. Be willing to struggle & live with some tension & some instability.  People will change their minds – we all do. It may well be less efficient & people might make mistakes – but don ’ t we all? 4. Have integrity, loyalty & humility.  We recognise that what we know is a privilege and that we must battle with many other vested interests. 16 KDSF

17 Moving FromMoving To Planning for Talking about Starting with what’s wrong Health & safety dictate where you live Dead plans updated annually Planning with Talking with Starting with what’s important to Health & safety are addressed where you want to live Living plans which change with you KDSF

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19  What is important to a person includes only what people are ‘saying’ ◦ With their words ◦ With their behaviour  When words & behaviour are in conflict, listen to the behaviour. 19 KDSF

20  What is important for people includes only those things that we need to keep in mind regarding – ◦ Issues of health or safety ◦ What others see as important to help the person be valued members of their communities 20 KDSF

21 21 Important For Important To

22 22 Important To Important For

23 23 Important To Important For KDSF

24 ListenUnderstand 24

25 “When people not used to speaking out are heard by people not used to listening then real change can be made” John O’Brien 25

26  PCP is: ◦ Is a powerful way to support positive change ◦ Is different for everyone ◦ Is a personal commitment PCP is not: – a cure-all – just coloured posters instead of paperwork – just another way to put together service packages – just for those who are ‘ ready ’ – a standard package KDSF

27  Person Centred Planning aims to: ◦ Move away from planning being owned by professionals – the plan & its process is owned by the individual & those close to them ◦ Not package people into a one size fits all – support is as individual & unique as the person ◦ Create opportunities in the here & now 27 KDSF

28 ◦ Person Centred Planning for KDSF requires us to:  Be flexible in our service delivery – supports need to change as the person changes  Create family & community connectedness – people don ’ t just have to rely on paid staff  Create a change in the power roles – people using the service are no longer trapped as “ clients ” – they are powerful in the relationship 28 KDSF

29  Be Honest ◦ Let people know when what they are telling us will take time ◦ When we do not know how to help them get what they are asking for ◦ When what the person is telling us is in conflict with staying healthy or safe & we can’t find a good balance between important to and important for 29 KDSF

30  It is simple but hard work  The person is ALWAYS at the centre  It is simply the right thing to do 30 KDSF

31  An excellent resource regarding Person Centred Planning is “ People, Plans and Possibilities: Exploring Person Centred Planning ” by Helen Sanderson, Jo Kennedy, Pete Ritchie and Gill Goodwin (Edinburgh: SHS Ltd, 1997). This book explores better ways of planning with people in depth. 31 KDSF

32  Some Further Resources: ◦ ◦ ing.html ing.html ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 32 KDSF

33 Karden Disability Support Foundation 35 Mair St, Ballarat Thank you for your time! KDSF

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