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Using Content-Based Language Teaching to Teach To and At Higher Proficiency Levels David Pater, Defense Language Institute English Language Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Content-Based Language Teaching to Teach To and At Higher Proficiency Levels David Pater, Defense Language Institute English Language Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Content-Based Language Teaching to Teach To and At Higher Proficiency Levels David Pater, Defense Language Institute English Language Center

2 Overview 1.Identify the fundamental, core feature of each language proficiency level as seen from a educational psychology perspective 2.Discover what type of learning activities work best in developing each proficiency level 3.Explore how Content-Based Instruction (CBI) can effectively develop Level 3 proficiency

3 STANAG 6001 Proficiency Levels 3: Professional 2: Functional 1: Survival 0+: Memorized Speech 0: No proficiency From STANAG 6001 NTG (Edition 3) – Language Proficiency Levels

4 Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning From Krathwohl, D. R, Anderson, L. W. (2001) A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

5 Applying Bloom’s to the STANAG 6001 Proficiency Levels 3: Professional 2: Functional 1: Survival 0+: Memorized Speech 0: No proficiency (Analyze, Evaluate & Create) (Analyze, Evaluate & Create) (Apply) (Apply) (Understand) (Understand) (Remember) (Remember)

6 Applying Bloom’s to the STANAG 6001 Proficiency Levels 32+21+10+

7 3: Professional 2: Functional 1: Survival 0+: Memorized Speech 0: No proficiency (Analyze, Evaluate & Create) (Analyze, Evaluate & Create) (Apply) (Apply) (Understand) (Understand) (Remember) (Remember)

8 Learning Activities Appropriate for the STANAG 6001 Proficiency Levels 3: “Concepts” 2: “Mastery” Tasks 1: “Survival” Tasks 0+: “Memorized” Tasks 0: No proficiency (Analyze, Evaluate & Create) (Analyze, Evaluate & Create) (Apply) (Apply) (Understand) (Understand) (Remember) (Remember) Note: Use Task-Based Teaching (TBLT) to develop proficiency at levels 1 & 2 Use CBI to develop proficiency at levels 3 and above

9 Using Content-Based Instruction (CBI) to Develop Level 3 Proficiency What is CBI? “Content-based language teaching is distinguished first of all by the concurrent learning of a specific content and related language use skills in a ‘content driven’ curriculum, i.e., with the selection and sequence of language elements determined by the content...” “Content-based language teaching is distinguished first of all by the concurrent learning of a specific content and related language use skills in a ‘content driven’ curriculum, i.e., with the selection and sequence of language elements determined by the content...” Use CBI because it facilitates Higher- Use CBI because it facilitates Higher- Order Thinking (Analyze, Evaluate, Create) Order Thinking (Analyze, Evaluate, Create) From: Brinton, D. M. (2003). Content-based instruction. In D. Nunan (Ed.), Practical English language teaching (pp. 199-224). New York: McGraw-Hill.

10 Using Content-Based Instruction (CBI) to Develop Level 3 Proficiency What content should be studied? Whatever content the learner will need to perform at level 3 (or level 4) proficiency

11 Examples 1.Cultural Values success/215876#pdf-8 success/215876#pdf-8 2.Self-Reflection & Communicative Style success/215876#pdf-17 success/215876#pdf-17 3. Effective Communication communication-success/70065#web-70065 communication-success/70065#web-70065

12 Conclusion 1.Identified the fundamental, core feature of each language proficiency level as seen from a educational psychology perspective 2.Discovered what type of learning activities work best in developing each proficiency level 3.Explored how Content-Based Instruction (CBI) could effectively develop Level 3 proficiency

13 Questions? My email:

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