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1 CERN related research program in 2006-2011 Nuclear Physics High energy nuclear physics –ALICE experiment »Installation and Commissioning »Data taking.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CERN related research program in 2006-2011 Nuclear Physics High energy nuclear physics –ALICE experiment »Installation and Commissioning »Data taking."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CERN related research program in 2006-2011 Nuclear Physics High energy nuclear physics –ALICE experiment »Installation and Commissioning »Data taking »Data analysis – offline computing »Physics program »HENP after 2011 –Theory ISOLDE activity

2 2 ALICE at LHC First collision: mid 2007 ALICE lifetime = 10 years

3 3 ALICE - budget

4 4 Installation and Commissioning – 2006 (1) Installation of the TPC FEE –Dec. 2005 – Feb. 2006 –3 people for 2 months 1 person-month @ CERN: ~35 kNOK

5 5 Installation and Commissioning – 2006 (2) TPC/HLT pre- commissioning with laser beams and cosmics –Feb. 2006 – Aug. 2006 –1-2 people for 2-3 months Installation of the TPC RCUs –Summer 2006 –1 person for 2 weeks

6 6 Installation and Commissioning – 2006 (3) Installation of the PHOS FEE and RCU –Spring 2006 –2 people for 2 months PHOS pre-commissioning and calibration –PS beam in summer 2006 for 8 weeks –1-2 people for 2.5 months (shifts)

7 7 Detector installation plan PHASEDetectorStartFinish PHASE 2 - 3Muon detectorsJan 2006End 2006 PHASE 2HMPID09.01.200607.05.2006 TOF / TRD08.03.200631.07.2006 PHOS + services, emcal support frame01.08.2006End Aug. 2006 PHASE 3TPC in parking position01.09.200602.10.2006 ITS Barrel (SDD,SSD)03.10.200616.10.2006 Vacuum (central Be chamber)17.10.200616.11.2006 FMD/V0/T0 (RB26)17.11.200628.11.2006 Pixel + ITS barrel + service29.11.200612.01.2007 TPC in final position13.01.200716.02.2007 PHASE 4FMD/V0/T0 and PMD (RB24)17.02.200702.03.2007 2nd installation window TOF/TRD/PHOS03.03.200728.03.2007 Beam line + shielding29.03.2007End April 2007

8 8 Commissioning - 2007 Commissioning of the front-end electronics –TPC –PHOS Installation and commissioning of the HLT –Full connectivity –30% of computing power First pp collisions in summer 2007 First PbPb collision in 2008

9 9 Running scenario First pp collisions in 2007 1 month per year heavy ion run 7 months per year pp Running schedule for the first 5 years –Regular pp runs at 14 GeV reduced luminosity between 10 29 and 5*10 30 cm -2 sec -1 which will leads to event rates from 10 kHz to 200 kHz –2-3 years PbPb collisions luminosity of 5*10 26 cm -2 sec -1 which leads to an interaction rate of 4 kHz –1-2 years ArAr –1 year pPb like collisions

10 10 Data analysis – offline computing Scandinavian offline computing contributed through NDGF (Nordic Data Grid Facility) Agreed sharing ATLAS/ALICE 50%/50% ALICE computing needs approx. half of ATLAS but half the number of collaborators LCG resource status: 50% shortfall for ALICE

11 11 Evolution of computing resources CMSATLASALICE 17161011 2011 5MSS 26144242131392Disk 554026654117352616CPU Now LHCC 2004 HR 2001 Now LHCC 2004 HR 2001 Now LHCC 2004 HR 2001

12 12 Present status of pledged resources Tier 0 at CERN ALICE requirements satisfied, including peak for first pass reconstruction Tier 1 and Tier 2 As declared to LCG and presented to RRB CAF not included

13 13 Physics program Flow analysis (TPC, HLT) High pt physics –Nuclear modification factor direct  and  0,  (PHOS, TPC, HLT) –Di-jets, gamma-jets (PHOS, TPC, HLT) Heavy flavour –Open charm production (TPC, ITS, HLT) –  production (TPC, TRD, HLT) Ultraperipheral collisions (TPC, SPD+trigger detectors, HLT)

14 14 Nuclear Theory Relativistic heavy ion collisions and quark-gluon plasma –Initial state –Final Freeze Out –Collective, Fluid Dynamical properties (“Third flow component”) –Phase transition dynamics

15 15 Personell - staff

16 16 ALICE - budget

17 17 HENP after 2001 ALICE running plan –pp or pp-like run at 5.5 TeV –Light AA system –dA –Low energy PbPb –Another high energy PbPb ALICE upgrades ? CBM at FAIR/GSI ? Astrophysics experiment ?

18 18 ALICE at LHC – Phase 2 Depending on physics results Upgrades: detectors, FEE, DAQ, trigger Example: detector covering large rapidities Probe initial partonic state in a novel Bjorken-x range (10 -3 -10 -6 ): –nuclear shadowing, –high-density saturated gluon distribution J/ψ ALICE PPR CERN/LHCC 2003-049 10 GeV SHLC: shutdown (2012 ?) + upgrade 2012 - 2015

19 19 CBM experiment at FAIR/GSI Facility for Antiproton and heavy Ions Research Planned commissioning: 2010 – 2015 CBM experiment –super-dense baryonic matter –in-medium properties of hadrons

20 20 Dense Matter in the Universe Mergers of binary stars – the ultimate nuclear collision –evolution depends on the equation-of-state of the matter inside the star –large differences between normal neutron stars and selfbound stars –different pattern of mass transfer –observable via gamma bursts, gravitational waves,...? in 2020? astro/-ph/0403374

21 21 ISOLDE physics Isotope Separator On-Line DEvice

22 22 Physics program Experiments at REX-ISOLDE –Mass 80 region: Neutron-rich nuclei approaching the doubly closed shell nucleus 78Ni –Mass 132 region: important for r-process calculations –Mass 230 region: Coulomb excitation -> collective features »Nuclear shape »Multi-quasiparticle excitations –Detectors »Gamma arrays like MINIBALL »Compact disc detector for the scattered beam Theory –Extreme, low-density nuclear states –Few– and many-body systems

23 23 Personell – staff (ISOLDE physics)

24 24 Budget (ISOLE physics)

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