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Year 1: Fall Workshop REVIEW OF PROGRESS.  Teams of teachers formed by grade level and subject  K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 + Math, Science, Social Studies,

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1 Year 1: Fall Workshop REVIEW OF PROGRESS

2  Teams of teachers formed by grade level and subject  K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 + Math, Science, Social Studies, etc.  Example: 3-5 Social Studies  Each team collaborates on curriculum, instruction & assessment  Team/Department Outcomes articulate what students will be able to do at the broadest level—at the end of a sequence of courses or grades  These Outcomes:  Incorporate standards that require more than one year to accomplish  Focus primarily on skills  Are the responsibility of the entire team TEAM/DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES: A SUMMARY

3  4-7 Outcomes for the team or department  The stem “SWBAT” (students will be able to)  For each Outcome, one verb from Bloom’s Taxonomy  Verbs must be:  Active  Observable and Assessable  Challenging & Developmentally Appropriate  Constitute a “floor” not a “ceiling” of student achievement TEAM/DEPARTMENT OUTCOMES: COMPONENTS

4  Course Outcomes articulate what ALL students will know and be able to do by the end of one specific subject or course  These Outcomes:  Incorporate standards that require more than four weeks to accomplish  Focus on content knowledge and skills  Span one subject and one year  Build on and do not repeat Team/Department and Course Outcomes from previous grades  May contribute directly to relevant Team/Department Outcomes COURSE OUTCOMES: A SUMMARY

5  4-7 Outcomes for each course/subject  The stem “SWBAT” (students will be able to)  For each Outcome, one verb from Bloom’s Taxonomy  Verbs must be:  Active  Observable  Challenging & Developmentally Appropriate  Constitute a “floor” not a “ceiling” of student achievement COURSE OUTCOMES: COMPONENTS

6 COURSE OUTCOMES: THE BIG PICTURE Standards that can be accomplished in a lesson plan Standards that take 2-4 weeks to accomplish Standards that take more than 1 unit to accomplish Standards that take more than 1 year to accomplish Team/Dept. Outcomes Course Outcomes Unit Goal LP

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