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Co-funded by European Commission eContentplus Skill and competence based search in OpenScout Dr. Wolfgang Greller, Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "Co-funded by European Commission eContentplus Skill and competence based search in OpenScout Dr. Wolfgang Greller, Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Co-funded by European Commission eContentplus Skill and competence based search in OpenScout Dr. Wolfgang Greller, Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies (CELSTEC), Open University of the Netherlands Online Webinar, 14/05/2012

2 Skills and competences  In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).  In the context of EQF, competence is described in terms of responsibility and autonomy. EQF = European Qualifications Framework © OpenScout Consortium, May 20122

3 3 Skill and Competence Services OpenScout provides added value to OERs by implementing and providing Competence Metadata Services for Enrichment & Search. The core of the Competence Services is the competence catalogue. The catalogue contains competence classifications (competence categories) and their related competences as well as resources, experts, evidences and proficiency scales related to these competences. Taxonomy mapping of existing competence related taxonomies in management education.

4 Competence taxonomy © OpenScout Consortium, May 20124 Subdomain 1Subdomain 2Subdomain 3Subdomain 4 Subdomain 5Subdomain 6Subdomain 7Subdomain 8 Subdomain 9Subdomain 10Subdomain 11Subdomain 12 Competence Competence Competence Competence

5 Subdomain CompetenceTermDifficulty Entrepreneurship Being able to create a business plan Business plan EQF 1-8 Three level difficulty Being able to identify and analyze competitors Competitor analysis EQF 1-8 Three level difficulty Being able to apply different pricing strategies Pricing strategies EQF 1-8 Three level difficulty Being able to identify and act on new opportunities within a large company Intrapreneurship EQF 1-8 Three level difficulty © OpenScout Consortium, May 20125 Competence taxonomy

6 Enriching resources with competences © OpenScout Consortium, May 20126 Expert tagging tool for sub-domains, competences, and proficiency levels

7 © OpenScout Consortium, May 20127 Competence Scenarios  Search for learning resources based on competences and difficulty (=EQF level)  Browse resources based on information of competence taxonomy  Independent learning based on competence profiles and competence levels (organisation of learning resources and personal competences)  Increased usability through simplification of 8 level EQF to familiar 3 levels (basic, intermediate, advanced)

8 © OpenScout Consortium, May 20128

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