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1 Political Savvy In the Work Place August 8, 2013 Claudette Johnson Cassandra Blackwell.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Political Savvy In the Work Place August 8, 2013 Claudette Johnson Cassandra Blackwell."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Political Savvy In the Work Place August 8, 2013 Claudette Johnson Cassandra Blackwell

2 2 Political Savvy Objectives  Define Political Savvy  Test Your Political Savvy IQ  Identify Six Key Strategies for Political Savvy Individuals

3 3  Actively recognizing and acting upon the internal and external politics that impact the work of the organization Ethically building a critical mass of support for an idea you care about Being aware of the culture and relationships within an organization What is Political Savvy?

4 4 Why is Political Savvy Important?  Political savvy is necessary to: Manage office politics and get things done Protect ourselves from political tactics Avoid political blunders Position ourselves for the future

5 5 What is Your Political Style? NegativeNeutralPositive Initiates IrresponsibleResponsibleLeader  Manipulator  Looks out for #1  Obligation  Comes with territory  Play Maker  Impact player Predicts ProtectorSpeculatorAdvisor  File Builder  Defensive  Grapevine  Counselor Responds CynicFatalistSpectator  I told you so  Gossip  Que Sera Sera  Fan  Encourager

6 6 Test Your Political Savvy IQ The Political Savvy I.Q. test is a learning tool. It is designed to elicit individual preconceived ideas about political savvy. Many of those ideas were found to be inaccurate. Activity: Your Politically Savvy IQ

7 7 What are the Characteristics of a Politically Savvy Person?  Uses intuition  Has focus and orientation towards goals  Uses relationship knowledge  Discusses controversial issues in non- offensive way  Manages impressions

8 8 What are the Characteristics of a Politically Savvy Person?  Obtains support for one’s ideas  Knows when to follow chain of command  Acts friendly and social with co-workers  Supports their leader  Avoids gossip  Uses organizational grapevine wisely

9 9 Who Needs to Be Politically Savvy?  Employees at all levels  Managers  Leaders Political savvy has little to do with one’s place in the hierarchy…anyone can have political savvy regardless of position in the company ~ Joel DeLuca, Author of Politically Savvy

10 10 What Does it Mean to be Politically Savvy at the IRS? Personal Leadership – Behavior: Political Savvy Definition: Recognizes and acts upon the internal and external politics that impact the work of the organization. Approaches each problem situation with a clear perception of organizational and political reality; Recognizes the impact of alternative courses of action. Utilizes the most effective channels to accomplish organizational goals. Influences others to accomplish business objectives.

11 11 LevelsExamples Observed Political Savvy Employee: Recognizes the formal structure/capabilities of the organization and how it relates to own responsibilities. Utilizes the formal structure of the organization, rules and regulations, internal policies and procedures, etc., to accomplish work objectives. Develops awareness of informal structure and contacts/networks that assist in achieving tasks. Political Savvy Front Line Manager: Understands and utilizes informal (key actors, decision-influencers, etc.) and formal structures appropriately. Understands organizational realities, politics, networks, and accepted practices. Recognizes potential problems, seeks advice, and keeps manager informed as necessary. Political Savvy Department Manager: Responsibility levels fall between front line manager and senior manager. Department managers should display the behaviors of a front line manager and some of the behaviors of a senior manager. What Does it Mean to be Politically Savvy at the IRS? HCO Office of Leadership Succession Planning

12 12 What Does it Mean to be Politically Savvy at the IRS? LevelsExamples Observed Political Savvy Senior Manager: Understands the relationships within and among groups and how the actions of one group impacts others. Recognizes unspoken organizational limitations – what is and is not possible at certain times or in certain situations. Anticipates landmines and plans approach accordingly. Demonstrates ability to influence mutually satisfactory outcomes. Maneuvers through complex and sensitive political situations effectively. Political Savvy Executive: Uses influence and political relationships inside and outside the organization to achieve results that will benefit the organization. Creates strategies to navigate the politics of the organization for the smooth development and implementation of broad organizational initiatives. HCO Office of Leadership Succession Planning

13 13 How Do I Become Politically Savvy? Choose to become an active, ethical player Put the organization first Understand your own political style Believe strongly in your change initiative Play above-board Avoid the moral and rational blocks

14 14 How Do I Become Politically Savvy? Work the human system Understand the culture Identify the key players Gauge power and influence Assess relationships Develop a strategy Build momentum Determine appropriate involvement level for each player Employ interpersonal diplomacy Anticipate and handle dissenters

15 15 Actively Focusing on the Six Key Strategies of Politically Savvy Individuals 1. Partnering with your leader 2. Being a team player 3. Knowing where the leverage lies 4. Practicing subtle self-promotion 5. Connecting with the power people 6. Committing to the business How Do I Become Politically Savvy? Developed by


17 17 Political Savvy Summary  Political Savvy defined: Actively recognizing and acting upon the internal and external politics that impact the work of the organization.  Political Savvy IQ: Participated in an IQ Test as a learning tool that focused on explaining preconceived political savvy ideas.  Political Savvy Strategies: Identified six key strategies for politically savvy individuals.

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