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The train wreck that almost happened! Medicaid Rate Cut HB307 passage Private DSH EDS conversion HB307/HB1055 Implementation DCH Shutdown/Lockdown.

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Presentation on theme: "The train wreck that almost happened! Medicaid Rate Cut HB307 passage Private DSH EDS conversion HB307/HB1055 Implementation DCH Shutdown/Lockdown."— Presentation transcript:

1 The train wreck that almost happened! Medicaid Rate Cut HB307 passage Private DSH EDS conversion HB307/HB1055 Implementation DCH Shutdown/Lockdown

2 The train wreck that almost happened! Major Events! Rural Proposal to Gov People HomeTown CEO Day – Ryan Teague Dinner Ryan Teague – Josh Belinfante GHA/Alliance vote to Tax CAH’s GHA Vote reversal HB307 passage Private DSH funded by Senate

3 The train wreck that almost happened! -Results Outcome Exempt CAH’s Protect Medicaid providers with Medicaid Rate Increase Implementation Very Complex Cash flow consequences Consequences Rural hospitals made whole nearly vs. 16% Medicaid Cut

4 The train wreck that can happen - 2012 EDS implementation New Governor and administration Many new legislators - Census HB1055 Implementation – Cash shortage Federal Health Care Reform Cut Medicare $500 billion $2.6-$4 Billion Budget Shortfall Stimulus Money goes away

5 The train wreck that can happen – Long Term 2016 before state budget gets back to 2009 level Georgia rural unemployment will not reduce with any speed due to permanent closures Major increase in deductibles and co-pay Major loss of rural legislators due to census and legislator fatigue Obamacare – Medicare cuts

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