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G RANTS AND F OUNDATION R ELATIONS How to Win Grants & Be a Champion for the Local Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: "G RANTS AND F OUNDATION R ELATIONS How to Win Grants & Be a Champion for the Local Ministry."— Presentation transcript:

1 G RANTS AND F OUNDATION R ELATIONS How to Win Grants & Be a Champion for the Local Ministry

2 A S A C OMMITTEE P ERSON -Y OU W ERE M ADE FOR T HIS 1. Problem Solving skills. Foundations have a wonderful problem – they have to give away money. 2. Financially savvy. A healthy area budget should have a variety of funding sources. 3. Relational. This is a fantastic opportunity for adult contact work. Transformational over Transactional relationships. 4. Collaborator. You are not alone – We are here to partner with you.

3 B Y THE N UMBERS $24 5% 10% $0

4 B Y THE N UMBERS Last year Young Life Received $24 MILLION from Foundations A foundation HAS to give away 5% of their assets every year Did you know 10% of your area budget should come from foundations It costs $0 to use our services



7 W HAT DOES IT TAKE TO WIN A GRANT ? Needs of youth: -Know the stats of the teens you serve. Examples of resources: School District, Public Health Department,, County Sheriff Dept, Census Data - “ There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every kid which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God ” - Pascal

8 W HAT DOES IT TAKE TO WIN A GRANT ? Foundation Needs: -Give away at least 5% of their assets each year. - Further their stated mission. -To know the gift will be sustainable. -To see there will be some measurable results, known in the biz as “outputs”.

9 W HAT DOES IT TAKE TO WIN A GRANT ? YL Needs: - Goals, vision, next thing? - Next kid, Every Kid Every Where for Eternity - Budget - Emotional toll on staff

10 W HAT DOES IT TAKE TO WIN A GRANT ? Know the sweet spot. Needs of youth : Identify the local social needs. Foundation Needs: Give away at least 5% of their assets to organizations that further the stated mission. YL Needs: Identify the needs in order to serve the target population more effectively.

11 A SSIGN A POINT PERSON TO DO G RANTS D EVELOPMENT Help assess needs of the Area Cultivate foundation relationships Partner with the G&F office Provide momentum Thank and report on use of funds.

12 C ULTIVATION The essential piece to any relationship with a foundation is the cultivation behind it.

13 T RANSFORMATIONAL VS. T RANSACTIONAL Whether we are asking for money or giving money, we are drawn together by God who is about to do a new thing through our collaboration. ” -Henri Nouwen

14 W HAT DOES IT TAKE TO WIN A GRANT ? Get someone else to do the work - for FREE Research G&F office has access to Foundation Center Online. We will provide a list of foundations in your region or area. Grant Writing Grant Coordinators Grant Writers Staff Resources Templates Required attachments

15 SO….You don’t get the grant? Thank the foundation for their time. See it as a learning opportunity: The work that it takes to approach foundations will assist in all areas of your fundraising. NO doesn’t mean NEVER. Get feedback. Be prepared for next grant cycle.

16 P ARTING T HOUGHTS “You and I are players, God's our coach, and we're playing the biggest game of all. We have a loving God that made us. We need to get on His team.” Joe Gibbs Thank foundations well. Apply, Apply and Apply again. Be compliant and timely with reports. View the relationship like a marriage, do what we promised! Use the G&F Office!

17 Q UESTIONS ? Check out our website by visiting staff resources. Follow us on twitter for hints and best practices.

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