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Co-operative ownership for affordable, permanent sites for Gypsies and Travellers Paul Sander-Jackson November 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Co-operative ownership for affordable, permanent sites for Gypsies and Travellers Paul Sander-Jackson November 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Co-operative ownership for affordable, permanent sites for Gypsies and Travellers Paul Sander-Jackson November 2012

2 What is this addressing Long term legal provision of appropriate sites Control of their site by residents Low cost provision involving self build Efficient use of scarce financial resources

3 The components A dedicated Community Land Trust Groups registered as co-operatives A revolving loan fund Lease and site occupancy agreements Loan agreements

4 What is a CLT? The full name is ‘Community Land Trust’ Mainly used for affordable housing There is a legal definition. This says that the CLT must-  Be owned by its community  Controlled by its community  Not have been set up to profit members  Is permanent

5 Umbrella Community Land Trust Owns freehold or head lease on land Site Co-operative A Holds long lease from CLT Rents pitches to its members Site Co-operative B Holds long lease from CLT Rents pitches to its members

6 Co-op Lender £ CLT How the money moves each month

7 CLT Co-op site Co-op site Co-op site Co-op site The CLT will eventually hold more than one site ‘in trust’. The CLT will be a source of stability for Co-ops that will have changing membership. The people running the CLT will be representatives of the Co-ops and others (such as Local Authority representatives) who can help with the larger aims of the Co-ops.

8 Practical reasons to be a Co-op It creates a legal body which can- Open a bank account Own assets beyond the timescale of individual member’s requirements Employ/hire people Buy insurance Enables others to do business with the Co- op, not one person

9 Where we are at in pilot pro ject Somerset G and T Community Land Trust up and running First group registered as a co-op £100k available from Mendip DC for loan fund Details of lease and loan agreements being finalised First land purchase hopefully soon

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