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 Identify the functions of different types of financial intermediaries  Explain how financial intermediaries benefit individuals, businesses, and the.

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2  Identify the functions of different types of financial intermediaries  Explain how financial intermediaries benefit individuals, businesses, and the economy  Define capital and describe its importance to financial intermediaries

3  Banks  Thrifts (saving and loan banks)  Credit Union  Insurance Companies  Mutual Funds  Pension Funds

4  Which intermediary would best fit the needs of each scenario? › Anthony is in the process of starting his own plumbing business. He is worried about some of the risks that he faces in terms of owning a business, having employees, and working on people’s homes. What type of financial intermediary does he need?

5  Garrett is a businessman who is interested in having easy access to his money. Convenience is the name of his game. He likes to check his account balances on his computer and would be happy to never have to step foot inside a financial institution. He prefers to have his credit card, checking account, and savings account all linked to the same account. Where should he go?  Chang-su is a senior in high school. He is ecstatic over his acceptance at a private college; however, he is worried about how he will pay for tuition and books. In addition to the scholarship that he received from the school, he will need to take out an extra $15,000 student loan. Where should he go?

6  Download- Reading: Financial Intermediaries  Read the resource  Highlight new ideas and words  Underline two important phrases that will help them remember the meaning of the term

7  In regards to the previous scenarios, is it possible for there to be more than one correct answer? Explain why or why not.

8  Create a taxonomy of terms in this section  Take 3 minutes to create your own taxonomy  Take 3 minutes to discuss your taxonomy at your group  Take 4 minutes to walk around the room and acquire any new words

9  What is the brochure trying to accomplish?  What type of content is found in the brochure?  What type of person would read this brochure?  How is the text organized?  What is the tone of brochure?  How would you describe the layout?  Does the brochure use any “small print”? What type of information is included there?

10  Create a brochure to inform fellow students about financial intermediaries  Research characteristics about the financial intermediary  Download- Directions: Brochure

11  Download- Assessment Criteria: Brochure  Download- Example: Brochure  Design the layout for the brochure  Use art supplies and creativity to create your brochure

12  Research your financial intermediaries with the directions and adding terms to your taxonomies as you go  Go around the room and get one interesting fact about the other financial intermediary, and give one about yours.

13  Create a rough draft or layout for your brochures

14  Download- Worksheet: Gallery Walk Peer Review › Write down one thing your liked, one thing you learned, and one suggestion about each brochure

15  Open notes  Use your resources that you have acquired to take this quiz

16  Which intermediary would best fit the needs of each scenario? › Anthony is in the process of starting his own plumbing business. He is worried about some of the risks that he faces in terms of owning a business, having employees, and working on people’s homes. What type of financial intermediary does he need?

17  Garrett is a businessman who is interested in having easy access to his money. Convenience is the name of his game. He likes to check his account balances on his computer and would be happy to never have to step foot inside a financial institution. He prefers to have his credit card, checking account, and savings account all linked to the same account. Where should he go?  Chang-su is a senior in high school. He is ecstatic over his acceptance at a private college; however, he is worried about how he will pay for tuition and books. In addition to the scholarship that he received from the school, he will need to take out an extra $15,000 student loan. Where should he go?

18  “If capital of a bank is higher, the depositors feel safer in case of any unfavorable situation for the business.” http://www.thefinancialexpress- 6 http://www.thefinancialexpress- 6  “The U.S. government took further steps to prop up the U.S. banking system on Friday, starting to inject capital into a new group of banks.” E49N6J620081025?feedType=RSS&feedName=busines sNews E49N6J620081025?feedType=RSS&feedName=busines sNews  “Stocks Surge As Banks Get Capital” afternoon-banks-markets-equity- cx_ss_1028markets36.html afternoon-banks-markets-equity- cx_ss_1028markets36.html

19  Based on the articles posted on classpress, what is your definition of capital?  Capital refers to the financial resources that are available for a business’s use.

20 TermCategoryCharacteristics A bank is aFinancial institution that 1. Helps people manage their money 2. Is regulated by the government 3. Provides depository and lending services Capital is aForm of wealth that1. 2. 3.

21  Download- Reading: Importance of Capital to Financial Intermediaries  While reading, you must select two passages of particular interest and write a summary of the idea or concept on each index card. On the back of each card, write your response to the passage that was selected. Mention to the class that their responses could include: › A question › A connection that they made to their own lives › Something they didn’t really understand › Something that they had a strong opinion about

22  Imagine that you’ve been asked to visit the local junior high school and explain the importance of capital to financial institutions. What ideas and/or concepts would you be sure to include in your response?

23  Social Studies: Research the causes of the Savings and Loan Crisis of the late 1980s and report findings to the class in the form of a presentation. Further your investigations and compare and contrast the causes and effects of the S&L Crisis with the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007–2008

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