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Inherited Diseases Autosomal Recessive and Autosomal Dominant Patterns of Inheritance.

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Presentation on theme: "Inherited Diseases Autosomal Recessive and Autosomal Dominant Patterns of Inheritance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inherited Diseases Autosomal Recessive and Autosomal Dominant Patterns of Inheritance

2 Autosomal Recessive zIs caused by a recessive allele bb. zRelatively Rare zCommon in ethnic groups

3 Cystic Fibrosis zMost common among white Americans zApproximately 1 and 20 white Americans are carriers. z1 in 2000 babies are born with CF zIt is due to a defective protein in the plasma membrane, it results in the formation & accumulation of thick mucus in the lungs and digestive tract.

4 Tay-Sachs zAffects the Central Nervous System zResults in the absence of an enzyme that breaks down lipids in the CNS. zCommon in Amish, and Ashkenzic Jews. zBabies only live to around the age 5 z1 in 27 babies are born with the disease.

5 PKU- Phenylketonuria zResults in the absence of enzyme that converts phenylalanine into tryosine. Therefore it accumulates in the body and results in damage to the CNS. zMost common in Sweden and Norway. zCauses mental retardation. zCan be controlled by removing foods that contain phenylalanine in their diets.

6 Autosomal Dominance zResults from a dominant allele. Therefore, if the individual has at least 1 allele, the trait will be present. zMost dominant diseases are rare.

7 Huntington’s Disease zResults in the breakdown of certain areas of the brain. zLethal zonset is around age 30-50 znormally pass down allele before they realize they have the trait.

8 Simple Dominant Traits zTongue Rolling zHapsburg lip (large lower lip) zHanging earlobes zhitchhiker’s thumb zalmond shaped eyes zthick lips zlong eye lashes z Presence of hair in middle section of the fingers z close set eyes (distance between the eyes) z Hair texture (curly is dominant) z Polydactyl- 6 fingers. Rare but dominant.

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