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Bdellovibrio Bacteriovorus By: Drew Skidmore. Structure / Classification Gram negative Curved bacilli Long flagellum A delta proteobacteria Exist independently.

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Presentation on theme: "Bdellovibrio Bacteriovorus By: Drew Skidmore. Structure / Classification Gram negative Curved bacilli Long flagellum A delta proteobacteria Exist independently."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bdellovibrio Bacteriovorus By: Drew Skidmore

2 Structure / Classification Gram negative Curved bacilli Long flagellum A delta proteobacteria Exist independently

3 Habitat / Metabolism Found in the ocean and fresh water 6°C to 37°C Chemoheterotroph Also found in land habitats and the intestines of mammals Eat gram negative bacteria that often cause disease in plants, animals, and humans It is both aerobic and anaerobic but it works faster in an aerobic environment

4 Adaptations Two phases of life, attack stage and growth stage Very small 0.2 to 0.5 micrometers x 0.5 to 1.4 micrometers Can move 100 cell lengths per second Grows inside the prey cell and can increase its length up to 20 times Cell then bursts and the cycle repeats

5 Wow Used to fight food borne illness and can destroy 90% of an E. Coli colony in an hour Moves at a speed that is equivalent to a human running at 600 km/hr Bore into the prey cell at over 100 rotations per second

6 Sources 1/bdellovibrio_bacteriovorus.html 1/bdellovibrio_bacteriovorus.html s/bdellovibrio.png s/bdellovibrio.png ia/Bdellovibrio_bacteriovorus.html ia/Bdellovibrio_bacteriovorus.html 13 13

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