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Development of Low Cost Synchronization Oscillators for Stand Alone Networks for Efficient Broadcasting in the Geographically Challenging Locations of.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of Low Cost Synchronization Oscillators for Stand Alone Networks for Efficient Broadcasting in the Geographically Challenging Locations of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of Low Cost Synchronization Oscillators for Stand Alone Networks for Efficient Broadcasting in the Geographically Challenging Locations of India A pilot project funded by Ministry of Human Resource Development Under the Scheme on “National Mission on Education through Information and Technology” Project PI: Dr. K. S. Daya Microwave Physics Laboratory Department of physics & Computer Science Dayalbagh Educational Institute Dayalbagh, Agra –282 110 Project website:

2 Objective for the Pilot Phase Stand-Alone networks are autonomous network stations with every node having the complete functionality of a traditional network but without the hierarchy for the information traffic flow. Unique feature of local information routing makes these systems capable of substantially reducing the network roll-out cost and turning it into a viable option for isolated regions with low demographic density with very low operational cost Major Drawback These systems do not have reference clock for synchronization, coming from the server in a traditional network. Major Drawback These systems do not have reference clock for synchronization, coming from the server in a traditional network. Specifications of the Dielectric Oscillator at every client: Synthesis of Dielectric Materials (Completed) Simulations & Design Optimization(C ompleted) Fabrication of cavity and coupling mechanism (Completed) Temperature dependent measurements and measure of stability (in progress) Design Modification for improvement (to be completed soon) Design of Temperature Stable Dielectric Resonator which is the basic building block for a stable Oscillator High Dielectric Constant (for compact size) High quality factor (for accuracy in frequency selection) Temperature stable from -5 0 C to 55 0 C and slow thermal aging Stability of < 20ppm

3 Designed Resonators

4 Results BZT CTNA Simulated Results Experimental Results

5 Comparison of the results with existing dielectric resonator in clients Results of present project Specs of existing oscillator MaterialBZTCTNAQuartz Dielectric constant 29.13510 Loss tangent 0.000050.00010.01 QXf050,300180005000 Stability in ppm 11540

6 Relative permittivity =29.4Relative permittivity =29.1 Relative permittivity =27.5 Simulation results on Eigen mode solver for BZT

7 Simulation results on resonating frequency for BZT Relative permittivity =29.4 Relative permittivity =29.1 Relative permittivity =27.5

8 CTNA Relative permittivity =40.6 LMZT Relative permittivity =24.4 Simulation results for CTNA & LMZT

9 Results

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