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LET’S PLAY JEOPARDY!! Grant HannamMcCormick Hilts Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final JeopardyJeopardy Bewell.

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Presentation on theme: "LET’S PLAY JEOPARDY!! Grant HannamMcCormick Hilts Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final JeopardyJeopardy Bewell."— Presentation transcript:



3 Grant HannamMcCormick Hilts Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final JeopardyJeopardy Bewell

4 $100 Question What is Biology?

5 $100 Answer The study of life

6 $200 Question Scientific hypothesis are most often tested by the process of what?

7 $200 Answer experimenting

8 $300 Question A planned procedure to test a hypothesis is called?

9 $300 Answer Experimenting

10 $400 Question What are three characteristics of living things?

11 $400 Answer It is Made up of cells. Smallest unit of a living organism It can Reproduce It Carry out Metabolism – Obtaining energy by chemical reactions Photosynthesis, respiration It can Maintain Homeostasis - stable internal environment it can pass on their traits to offspring - Heredity Responsive to movement or stimul

12 $500 Question How many chromosomes are in the body cells?

13 $500 Answer 46

14 $100 Question Where are proteins made in the cell?

15 $100 Answer ribosome

16 $200 Question Name an example of a prokaryotic cell.

17 $200 Answer bacteria

18 $300 Question What is osmosis?

19 $300 Answer Diffusion of water though a semi-permeable membrane

20 $400 Question Why is Chlorophyll green?

21 $400 Answer Green wavelengths are reflected, red and blue are absorbed

22 $500 Question Describe the process of cellular respiration.

23 $500 Answer production of ATP, two types: aerobic and anaerobic

24 $100 Question $100 Question The father of genetics is :

25 $100 Answer Gregor Mendel

26 $200 Question Tallness (T) is dominant to shortness (t). What is the Genotype if a plant is heterozygous?

27 $200 Answer Tt

28 $300 Question In RNA molecules, adenine is complentary to:

29 $300 Answer Uracil

30 $400 Question Transfer RNA carries what?

31 $400 Answer amino acid

32 $500 Question Which of the following describes Hemophilia? a.Multiple allele b.Dominant trait c.Sex linked d.Codomant trait.

33 $500 Answer Sex-linked

34 $100 Question Chromosomes in your body exist in: a.Pairs b.alone

35 $100 Answer in pairs, except for gametes

36 $200 Question Males develop from gametes that contain what chromosomes?

37 $200 Answer XY

38 $300 Question Molecules of DNA are composed of long chains of…(the subunits of DNA)

39 $300 Answer nucleotides

40 $400 Question What are the parts of a nucleotide in DNA

41 $400 Answer deoxyribose Phosphate Nitrogen base

42 $500 Question In order to build a protein what is the first step that needs to occur?

43 $500 Answer transcription (production of mRNA)

44 $100 Question RNA stands for:

45 $100 Answer ribonucleic acid

46 $200 Question The name of the triplet of bases on mRNA that codes for an amino acid is called…?

47 $200 Answer codon

48 $300 Question What would be the blood genotype of a person with type O blood?

49 $300 Answer I o I o

50 $400 Question A change in a gene due to damage or incorrect copying is called a

51 $400 Answer mutation

52 $500 Question Crossing over takes place in what stage of meiosis?

53 $500 Answer Prophase I

54 Final Jeopardy Describe what is meant by the chromosome abnormality “non- disjuction”?

55 Final Jeopardy Answer Homologues fail to separate which leads to A gamete that has an extra chromosome Or a missing chromosome. (trisomy, monosomy)

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