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Presentation 02. 1. Basic Preparation See Mk.3v14. Jesus ordained twelve men. For what purpose? "That they should be with Him." God’s purpose was to be.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation 02. 1. Basic Preparation See Mk.3v14. Jesus ordained twelve men. For what purpose? "That they should be with Him." God’s purpose was to be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation 02

2 1. Basic Preparation See Mk.3v14. Jesus ordained twelve men. For what purpose? "That they should be with Him." God’s purpose was to be achieved through ordinary people. If, they were to succeed in evangelism then, they needed to know Christ and spend time with Him. Apocalyptic story when Jesus ascended to heaven…. “I have no other plan” When the disciples finally began to evangelise, it was observed that “they took note, that they had been with Jesus" Acts 4v13. Presentation 02

3 2. The Great Commission Jesus last words in Matthew’s gospel 28v18 the role of Jesus’ followers was to be evangelistic in nature. a. What was included in the great commission i.The starting point is Christ’s authority ii.Disciples: not just decisions. Learners iii.Baptism: A signpost – our union with Christ iv.Instruction: Goal was maturity v.Obedience: Faith that produces performance v.Dependence: Assurance of Jesus’ presence. Presentation 02

4 2. The Great Commission This role would not have taken Jesus’ disciples by surprise. He had already indicated how he intended to use them. b. Their role was patterned on and viewed as the fulfilment of his. i. Jn. 20v21 “As the Father has sent me so send I you”. Jesus supplies us with the perfect model of service, and sends his church into the world to be a servant church. ii. Jn. 9v5 “I am the light of the world”….Matt.5.14 “You are the light of the world”. AbrahamIsraelJesus ChristThe Church Presentation 02

5 3. A Programme Change. a. One of the distinctives of N.T. evangelism, apart from the fact that the task had been taken from the nation of Israel and given to the church of Christ, is the manner in which the task was carried out. Cf. Acts 1v8 A different pattern emerges. Jerusalem is no longer a focal point but a starting point. cf. Luke 24v47 "beginning at Jerusalem". The pattern has changed, not the GOAL! Jerusalem O.T PatternN.T Pattern Presentation 02

6 b. Why begin at Jerusalem? To Jew first but also. Mk.5v19 c. God’s concern is still for the whole world. Acts 15v14. d. This work is to be done in the power of the Holy Spirit. Cf Jn.20v22-23 3. A Programme Change. Presentation 02

7 e. Why is the evangelism in Acts 1v8 described as a ‘witness’ ? i.Witness to historic the facts of death and resurrection of Jesus. ii.Paul often describes the manner of his conversion, Acts 22v1, 26v1-18. iii.Witness is more than words. Our life validates our speech iv.The Greek word for ‘witness’ in is the same as for ‘martyr’ - also Farsi. Presentation 02 3. A Programme Change.

8 4. A Surprising Reticence The Jerusalem Church seem to have been reluctant to fulfil the Gentile mission. Despite [Acts 10v23-48]. The Judaising influence based in Jerusalem would continue to hamper world mission. Resulting : a.Persecution drove believers all over the Roman Empire. Acts 8v1b b.The centre of gravity of mission to move from Jerusalem to Antioch. “The church exists by mission as fire does by burning”. Emil Brunner Presentation 02

9 a.Paul was commissioned by the risen Christ to be the Apostle to the Gentiles. Acts 9v15; Rom 11v13; Gal 2v8; 1 Tim 2v7 b.The church at Antioch, set apart Paul and Barnabas for mission Acts 13v2 Presentation 02 4. A Surprising Reticence

10 Presentation 02

11 1.His Motivation: The Glory of God. Cf. Jn. 17. & 10v14. Jesus’ goal was that God would get his picture back! 2.His Confidence: Success Assured. “All that the Father has given we will come” Jn.6v37. “They will listen to my voice”, Jn. 10v16. and Jn.10v29 “no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand”. Presentation 02 With this overview of evangelism in the O.T. and N.T. in place we turn out attention to the Supreme Evangelist in order to understand some of the doctrinal principles that helped shape the evangelism of Jesus.

12 3.His Urgency: Day of Opportunity. Knowing that all that the Father had given would come to him did not produce complacency. Jn. 4v35 Jn. 9v4 Presentation 02 4.His Fruitfulness: Life through Death. Jesus defined his mission, “unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But …” Jn.12.24.

13 His Approach: People and not Programme Centred Jesus constantly scandalised observers by his methods. He crossed cultural and social barriers and defied public opinion. Cf Jn. 4. the Samaritan woman. Zacchaeus Lk.19v1-10… His approach, but not the essential content of his message changed. 6.His Message: The Gospel of the Kingdom. A reconciliation between an estranged King and his rebel subjects, resulting in forgiveness and peace. Cf. Mk.2v5 “Your sins are forgiven”. The blessings of the kingdom cannot be separated from the death he would die. Presentation 02

14 7.His Expectation: Not all who Profess will Endure. There was a healthy realism in Jesus’ instruction cf. Matt.13v1-23. a necessary corrective to discouragement in the work. 8. His Method: Intercession. Prayer was fundamental to his evangelism. Nb. Jn.17. Incidentally, notice that Jesus prays for the fruitfulness of our witness. Jn.17.20 His teaching should shape our prayer Jn. 6v65 “No one can come unless the Father draws him.” Presentation 02

15 The Scope of his Mission: Universal. First, to ‘the house of Israel’. But Jesus blessed the Samaritan woman in Jn. 4 the Syro- phoenician woman in Mk.7v24-30 and the, Roman Centurion in Mk. 8v5-13. His mission was not limited to the Jews, “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep- pen I must bring them also”. Jn.10v16. Who were the other sheep? The Gentiles. Jesus mission is to the whole world! Presentation 02

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