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Envirothon 2009 Spook Creek Area Presented By: Jakob, Will, Jamie, Meghan, and Teresa Spook Creek Area Presented By: Jakob, Will, Jamie, Meghan, and Teresa.

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Presentation on theme: "Envirothon 2009 Spook Creek Area Presented By: Jakob, Will, Jamie, Meghan, and Teresa Spook Creek Area Presented By: Jakob, Will, Jamie, Meghan, and Teresa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Envirothon 2009 Spook Creek Area Presented By: Jakob, Will, Jamie, Meghan, and Teresa Spook Creek Area Presented By: Jakob, Will, Jamie, Meghan, and Teresa

2 Importance of Wetlands  The importance of Wetland areas are significant. Their primary importance is Filtration.  The Wetland area in Whitehorse: filtered out much of the silt and mud found in Spook Creek was an excellent home for a range of flora and fauna  The importance of Wetland areas are significant. Their primary importance is Filtration.  The Wetland area in Whitehorse: filtered out much of the silt and mud found in Spook Creek was an excellent home for a range of flora and fauna


4 Complications Associated with Removal of Wetland  Removal of an established ecosystem  Invitation for invasive exotic plant species  Environment for invertebrates is changed  There is now upkeep of the area  Rock dams  Heat Tape  Removal of Silt  Maintenance of Culverts  Removal of an established ecosystem  Invitation for invasive exotic plant species  Environment for invertebrates is changed  There is now upkeep of the area  Rock dams  Heat Tape  Removal of Silt  Maintenance of Culverts

5 Human Impacts on the Environment  Often just start with “little” disturbances  These “little” disturbances will often then become the “norm” as far as city planning goes…  When good policy is not adhered to, all of these “little” disturbances can add up!  Often just start with “little” disturbances  These “little” disturbances will often then become the “norm” as far as city planning goes…  When good policy is not adhered to, all of these “little” disturbances can add up!

6 Impacts  Human impacts in the Spook Creek/Baxter’s Gulch area have come in two major forms

7 Paving

8 Hydrocarbons

9 Paving  The Paving of the Wetland area led to a biological “Blank Slate”  The Paving destroyed a previously established habitat  This allowed for invasive exotics to take control  This also altered the environment for the Invertebrates  The Paving of the Wetland area led to a biological “Blank Slate”  The Paving destroyed a previously established habitat  This allowed for invasive exotics to take control  This also altered the environment for the Invertebrates

10 Hydrocarbons  Came from the Whitehorse Tank Farm, up slope and across the highway  Site is contaminated with Hydrocarbons  Site has been remediated to a depth of 3m  Contamination is down to the depth of 30m, and as much as.57m thick  Came from the Whitehorse Tank Farm, up slope and across the highway  Site is contaminated with Hydrocarbons  Site has been remediated to a depth of 3m  Contamination is down to the depth of 30m, and as much as.57m thick


12 Invasive Exotic Plants  Upper Transect Line (Alaska Highway):  Crested Wheat Grass: 287 Plants  Smooth Brome: 93 Plants  Smooth Brome on left  Crested Wheat Grass on right  Upper Transect Line (Alaska Highway):  Crested Wheat Grass: 287 Plants  Smooth Brome: 93 Plants  Smooth Brome on left  Crested Wheat Grass on right

13 Invasive Exotic Plants  Middle Transect Line (Parking Area):  Crested Wheat Grass: 67  Smooth Brome: 23  Middle Transect Line (Parking Area):  Crested Wheat Grass: 67  Smooth Brome: 23

14 Invasive Exotic Plants  Lower Transect Line (Earls):  Crested Wheat Grass: 39  Smooth Brome: 39  Lower Transect Line (Earls):  Crested Wheat Grass: 39  Smooth Brome: 39

15 Water Turbidity  Upstream: 115 (maximum volume of Turbidity Tube)  Mid Valley: 41  Two Mile Hill: 3  Yukon River: 4  Upstream: 115 (maximum volume of Turbidity Tube)  Mid Valley: 41  Two Mile Hill: 3  Yukon River: 4

16 Invertebrate Diversity

17 Upstream Invertebrates  Trichoptera: 2  Coleoptera: 1  Plecoptera: 13  Hydrachnidia: 1  Ephemeroptera: 4  Diptera: 1  Trichoptera: 2  Coleoptera: 1  Plecoptera: 13  Hydrachnidia: 1  Ephemeroptera: 4  Diptera: 1


19 Midstream Invertebrates  Due to a lack of findings, the Midstream station was removed before we had a chance to conduct a survey.

20 Downstream Invertebrates  Nematoda: 42  Plecoptera: 12  Turbellaria: 1  Coleoptera: 1  Trichoptera: 2  Diptera: 24  Ephemeroptera: 27  Nematoda: 42  Plecoptera: 12  Turbellaria: 1  Coleoptera: 1  Trichoptera: 2  Diptera: 24  Ephemeroptera: 27

21 Spook Creek Waterway Analysis Downstream Invertebrate Orders/Phyla

22 Invertebrates Conclusion  Indicators of Low Quality Water:  Nematoda  Turbellaria  Diptera  Indicators of Low Quality Water:  Nematoda  Turbellaria  Diptera

23 Invertebrate Analysis  Ephemeroptera live under rocks or in and around decaying vegetation, neither of which exist in any large degree upstream.

24 Invertebrate Analysis Continued  Trichoptera: species rich assemblages are an indicator of high quality water  Since neither upstream or downstream did not contain rich assemblages of this species we cannot assume that this is higher quality water throughout the creek  Trichoptera: species rich assemblages are an indicator of high quality water  Since neither upstream or downstream did not contain rich assemblages of this species we cannot assume that this is higher quality water throughout the creek

25  Plecoptera: Females lay hundreds to thousands of eggs which lay dormant for 2-3 weeks in the water  It is probable that the eggs have drifted downstream and hatched in the lower areas  Many plecopterans hunt other aquatic arthropods  Plecoptera: Females lay hundreds to thousands of eggs which lay dormant for 2-3 weeks in the water  It is probable that the eggs have drifted downstream and hatched in the lower areas  Many plecopterans hunt other aquatic arthropods

26 Conclusions on our Invertebrate Analysis  The water found at the mouth of the creek is of lower quality than that found at the top  The invertebrates found in both areas support this conclusion with the few explainable exceptions  The water found at the mouth of the creek is of lower quality than that found at the top  The invertebrates found in both areas support this conclusion with the few explainable exceptions

27 Recreational Potential  One of the challenges was to investigate the potential of a bike path  Though feasible this is not advisable based on the following evidence:  Hilly terrain  Narrow established path  Sharp changes in elevation  Extensive work required to clear numerous trees  It would cause increased human activity and disruption of the environment  One of the challenges was to investigate the potential of a bike path  Though feasible this is not advisable based on the following evidence:  Hilly terrain  Narrow established path  Sharp changes in elevation  Extensive work required to clear numerous trees  It would cause increased human activity and disruption of the environment

28 Possible Remediation  According to the survey submitted to Environment Yukon, possible remediation suggestions include:  Establishing vegetation to promote natural filtration  Conducting long term studies of both runoff water into the creek and the creek water itself  Construct sediment basins so as to lower the turbidity of the water  According to the survey submitted to Environment Yukon, possible remediation suggestions include:  Establishing vegetation to promote natural filtration  Conducting long term studies of both runoff water into the creek and the creek water itself  Construct sediment basins so as to lower the turbidity of the water

29 Our Thoughts On Remediation  Large litter clean-ups as sponsored by the city in their waste removal projects  The use of Bio mesh to help filter the water  Study of possible ways to rid the contaminated area of Hydrocarbons  Large litter clean-ups as sponsored by the city in their waste removal projects  The use of Bio mesh to help filter the water  Study of possible ways to rid the contaminated area of Hydrocarbons

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