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Greenhouse Crops. What Type of Plants Can One Grow in a Greenhouse? Trees? Shrubs? Bulbs Herbacious? Perenials? Annuals Grass? Food? Cut flowers?

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Presentation on theme: "Greenhouse Crops. What Type of Plants Can One Grow in a Greenhouse? Trees? Shrubs? Bulbs Herbacious? Perenials? Annuals Grass? Food? Cut flowers?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greenhouse Crops

2 What Type of Plants Can One Grow in a Greenhouse? Trees? Shrubs? Bulbs Herbacious? Perenials? Annuals Grass? Food? Cut flowers?

3 What are the Limiting Factors in a Greenhouse? Cost? Space? Seasons?

4 Types of Greenhouses Free Standing

5 Lean to

6 Types of Greenhouses Cont… Quanset/Temporary/hoophouse

7 Ridge and Furrow

8 Greenhouse Videos arden_in_my_apartment arden_in_my_apartment PfTE

9 Cold Frame

10 Types of Covering Glass Polyethelene (plastic rolls) Fiberglass (not used much anymore) Polycarbonate –What we have –Double layer for good insulation

11 Irrigation (watering) Overhead Ebb and flow Drip System Capillary mat

12 Ebb and flood

13 Overhead

14 Ebb and Flow

15 Drip Irrigation

16 Capillary Mats

17 Hydroponics (No Soil) Plants get all of their nutrients from the water.

18 Growing Media (Soilless growing medium) Well drained Good Moisture holding capacity pH of 5.5-6.5 (slightly acidic) Good support Common ingredients include perlite, sand, vermiculite, bark, and peat moss.


20 Fertilizers Organic Fertilizer: Natural derived from living things such as manure, blood and bone material. Inorganic: Synthetic nutrient compounds made by humans. These are most often used on greenhouse crops Application methods: Injection (through the irrigation lines, solids (top dressed or mixed with the soil.)

21 Controlling Plant Growth Pinching: Pinching off the unwanted material to create desired growth.

22 Hormones Can be done with hormones

23 Heat Radiant: Like a radiator, could be in the concrete. Forced air: Similar to a garage heater. Fans can also circulate the air.

24 Types of Plants Photoperiodic: Flower due to day length –Short day: Flower due to short day Poinsettia, mums –Long day: Flower due to long day carnation, henbane, oat, pea, barley, lettuce Thermoperiodic: Flower due to temperature Mums, poinsettias, easter lillies, bulbs, Christmas cactus

25 Potted Flowering Crops Plants that are grown in a pot and flower. These plants are usually thrown out after the season or holiday is grown for. –Poinsettias –Mums –Easter lilies –Azaleas

26 Azalea

27 Easter Lily

28 Poinsettia

29 Crysanthemum

30 Bulb Crops Bulb crops are bulbs that we force. –Forcing is when we make a plant grow and or flower at a unnatural time We put them in a cold temperature for a designated period of time and then put them in the warmth to flower.

31 Stages of Growth Vegetative: Regular growth period Flowering: The plant makes it’s flower. Reproductive stage We can manipulate these stages using light and temperature.

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